Journal Articles
2023-j-2 |
M Mesarcik, AJ Boonstra, M Iacobelli, E Ranguelova, C
de Laat, "The ROAD to discovery: Machine-learning-driven anomaly
detection in radio astronomy spectrograms", Astronomy & Astrophysics
680, A74, 3, 2023 |
2023-j-1 |
X Zhou, A Belloum, MH Lees, T van Engers, C de Laat,
"The dynamics of corruption under an optional external supervision
service", Applied Mathematics and Computation 457, 128172. |
2022-j-4 |
Z Shi, C de Laat, P Grosso, Z Zhao, "Integration of
blockchain and auction models: A survey, some applications, and
challenges", IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 25, no.
1. |
2022-j-3 |
Aya Fukami, Sasha Sheremetov, Francesco Regazzoni,
Zeno Geradts, Cees De Laat, "Experimental Evaluation of e.MMC Data
Recovery", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol
17, pages 2074-2083. |
2022-j-2 |
Xin Zhou, Adam Belloum, Michael H. Lees, Tom van
Engers, and Cees de Laat, "Costly incentives design from an
institutional perspective: cooperation, sustainability, and affluence",
Journal Proceedings A 478 (2265), The Royal Society publishing, A 478
(2265), DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2022.0393. |
2022-j-1 |
Z Shi, H Zhou, C de Laat, Z Zhao, "A Bayesian
game-enhanced auction model for federated cloud services using
blockchain", Future Generation Computer Systems, 136, 49-66, 2022 |
2021-j-2 |
Huan Zhou, Xue Ouyang, Jinshu Su, Cees de Laat,
Zhiming Zhao, "Enforcing trustworthy cloud sla with witnesses: A game
theory–based model using smart contracts", Concurrency and Computation:
Practice and Experience, Vol 33, Issue 14. |
2021-j-1 |
Lu Zhang, Arie Taal, Reginald Cushing, Cees de Laat,
Paola Grosso, "A risk-level assessment system based on the STRIDE/DREAD
model for digital data marketplaces.", International Journal of
Information Security. 10.1007/s10207-021-00566-3, (2021). |
2020-j-3 |
Jamila Alsayed Kassem, Cees de Laat, Arie Taal, and
Paola Grosso, The EPI Framework: A dynamic data sharing framework for
healthcare use cases", IEEE Acees journal, DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3028051 |
2020-j-2 |
Cristian Hesselman, Paola Grosso, Ralph Holz,
Fernando Kuipers, Janet Hui Xue, Mattijs Jonker, Joeri de Ruiter, Anna
Sperotto, Roland van Rijswijk-Deij, Giovane C. M. Moura, Aiko Pras, Cees
de Laat, "A Responsible Internet to Increase Trust in the Digital
World", Journal of Network and Systems Management, (JNSM), special issue
on "Future of Network and Service Operations and Management: Trends,
Developments, and Directions", 28, 882-922 (2020).
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10922-020-09564-7. |
2020-j-1 |
Yang Hu, Huan Zhou, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao,
"Concurrent Container Scheduling on Heterogeneous Clusters with
Multi-Resource Constraints", Future Generation Computer Systems 102,
562-573 |
2019-j-6 |
Y Hu, C de Laat, Z Zhao, "Optimizing Service Placement for Microservice Architecture in Clouds", Applied Sciences 9 (21), 4663 |
2019-j-5 |
Huan Zhou, Zhijie Ren, Xue Ouyang, Jinshu Su, Cees
de Laat, Zhiming Zhao, "Enforcing Trustworthy Cloud SLA with Witnesses: A
Game Theory based Model using Smart Contracts", Journal of Concurrency
and Computation: Practice and Experience, e5511, Wiley, 2019. |
2019-j-4 |
Huan Zhou, Yang Hu, Xue Ouyang, Jinshu Su, Spiros
Koulouzis, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao, "CloudsStorm: A Framework for
Seamlessly Programming and Controlling Virtual Infrastructure Functions
during the DevOps Lifecycle of Cloud Applications", Journal of Software:
Practice and Experience 49 (10), 1421-1447. Wiley, 2019. |
2019-j-3 |
Giulio Stramondo, Catalin Bogdan Ciobanu, Cees de
Laat, Ana Lucia Varbanescu, "Designing and Building Application-centric
Parallel Memories", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and
Experience, 2019;e5485. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.5485 |
2019-j-2 |
Spiros Koulouzis, Paul Martin, Huan Zhou, Yang Hu,
Junchao Wang, Thierry Carval, Baptiste Grenier, Jani Heikkinen, Cees de
Laat, Zhiming Zhao, "Time critical data management in clouds: Challenges
and a Dynamic Real Time Infrastructure Planner (DRIP) solution",
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 32 (16), e5269 |
2019-j-1 |
Arie Taal, Junchao Wang, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao,
"Profiling the scheduling decisions for handling critical paths in
deadline-constrained cloud workflows", Future Generation Computer
Systems, Volume 100, 237-249. |
2018-j-3 |
Yuri Demchenko, Wouter Los, Cees de Laat, 'Data as
Economic Goods: Definitions, Properties, Challenges, Enabling
Technologies for Data Future Markets', the ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries -
Special issue 2 - Data for Good, 2018, ISSN 2616-8375.
2018-j-2 |
R. Koning, B. de Graaff, G. Polevoy, R. Meijer, C.
de Laat, P. Grosso, "Measuring the efficiency of SDN mitigations against
attacks on computer infrastructures", Future Generation Computer
Systems 91, 144-156. |
2018-j-1 |
Paola Grosso, Malathi Veeraraghavan, Brian Tierney,
Cees de Laat, "Editorial INDIS special section FGCS", Editorial special
section FGCS, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 79, 2018/2/28,
Pages 166-168. |
2017-j-2 |
Ralph Koning, Nick Buraglio, Cees de Laat, Paola
Grosso, "CoreFlow: Enriching Bro security events using network traffic
monitoring data.", Special section on high-performance networking for
distributed data-intensive science, SC16", Future Generation Computer
Systems 79, 235-242. |
2017-j-1 |
Junchao Wang, Arie Taal, Paul Martin, Yang Hu, Huan
Zhou, Jianmin Pang, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao, "Planning Virtual
Infrastructures for Time Critical Applications with Multiple Deadline
Constraints.", WORKS tenth anniversary special issue in Future
Generation Computer Systems 75 (2017) 365-375 |
2016-j-9 |
B Tierney, M Balman, C de Laat, "Editorial: Special
section on high-performance networking for distributed data-intensive
science, SC15", Future Generation Computer Systems 56 (C), 262-264 |
2016-j-8 |
Souley Madougou, Ana Varbanescu, Cees de Laat, Rob
van Nieuwpoort, "The landscape of GPGPU performance modeling tools",
Elsevier Journal Parallel Computing, Volume 56, August 2016, Pages 18-33 |
2016-j-7 |
Reginald Cushing, Adam Belloum, Marian Bubak, Cees
de Laat, "Towards A Data Processing Plane: An Automata-based Distributed
Dynamic Data Processing Model", Future Generation Computer Systems 59
(2016) 21-32. |
2016-j-6 |
C. Ngo, Y. Demchenko, and C. de Laat, "Multi-tenant
Attribute-based Access Control for Cloud Infrastructure Services.", in
Journal of Information Security and Applications, Volumes 27-28,
April-May 2016, Pages 65-84. |
2016-j-5 |
H. Zhu, X. Liao, C. de Laat and P. Grosso, "Joint
flow routing- scheduling for energy efficient software defined data
center networks.", Journal of Network and Computer Applications, (2015),
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 63 (2016) 110-124. |
2016-j-4 |
H. Zhu, X. Liao, C. de Laat and P. Grosso,
"Evaluation of non- linear approaches for power estimation in a
computing cluster.", Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems,
2016, accepted for publication. |
2016-j-3 |
S Koulouzis, ASZ Belloum, MT Bubak, Z Zhao, M
Zivkovic, CTAM de Laat, "SDN-aware federation of distributed data.",
Future Generation Computer Systems 56, 64-76 |
2016-j-2a |
Henri Bal, Dick Epema, Cees de Laat, Rob van
Nieuwpoort, John Romein, Frank Seinstra, Cees Snoek, Harry Wijshoff,
"The Distributed ASCI Supercomputer: a Long-term Computer Science
Research Infrastructure.", IEEE Computer, Vol 49, Ed 5, pp 54-63, May
2016 (2015). |
2016-j-1a |
Jeffrey D. Weekley, Cees de Laat, "CineGrid, high
quality media streaming and processing on advanced photonic networks.",
Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol 54, pp 292-295, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2015.07.011
2015-j-6 |
V. Maglaris, C. Papagianni, G. Androulidakis, M.
Grammatikou, P. Grosso, J. van der Ham, C. de Laat, B. Pietrzak, B.
Belter, J. Steger, S. Laki, M. Campanella, and S. Sallent, "Toward a
Holistic Federated Future Internet Experimentation Environment: The
Experience of NOVI Research and Experimentation.", IEEE Communications
Magazine, July 2015. |
2015-j-5 |
Cosmin Dumitru, Paola Grosso, Cees de Laat, "A
user-centric execution environment for CineGrid workloads.", Future
Generation Computer Systems, Volume 53, pages 55-62 |
2015-j-4 |
Spiros Koulouzis, Adam Belloum, Marian Bubak, Pablo
Lamata, Daniel Nolte, Dmitry Vasyunin, Cees de Laat, "Distributed Data
Management Service for VPH Applications.", IEEE Internet Computing 20
(2), pp 34-41, http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/MIC.2015.71.
2015-j-3 |
Canh Ngo, Yuri Demchenko, Cees de Laat, "Decision
Diagrams for XACML Policy Evaluation and Management", Journal of
Computer & Security, Vol 49, pp 1-16, Mar 2015. |
2015-j-2 |
Leon Gommans, John Vollbrecht, Betty Gommans - de
Bruijn, Cees de Laat, "The Service Provider Group Framework; A framework
for arranging trust and power to facilitate authorization of network
services.", Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol.45, pp 176-192, Mar
2015. |
2015-j-1 |
Jeroen van der Ham, Jozsef Steger, Sondor Laki,
Yiannos Kryftis, Vasilis Maglaris, Cees de Laat, "The NOVI information
models", Future Generation Computer Systems, ISSN 0167-739X,
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2013.12.017, Vol 42, 64-73. |
2014-j-2 |
Hao Zhu, Karel van der Veldt, Zhiming Zhao, Paola
Grosso, Dimitar Pavlov, Joris Soeurt, Xiangke Liao, Cees de Laat, "A
semantic enhanced power budget calculator for distributed computing
using IEEE 802.3az.", Springer Journal on Cluster Computing, S.I. DISCS,
DOI 10.1007/s10586-014-0395-7, Volume 18, Issue 1 , pp 61-77. |
2014-j-1 |
Rudolf Strijkers, Marc X. Makkes, Cees de Laat,
Robert Meijer, "Internet Factories: Creating Application-Specific
Networks On-Demand", Special issue on cloud networking and
communications Computer Networks, Elsevier Journal of Computer Networks
68, 187-198. |
2013-j-4 |
M Ghijsen, J van der Ham, P Grosso, C Dumitru, H
Zhu, Z Zhao, C de Laat, "A Semantic-Web Approach for Modeling Computing
Infrastructures", Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering,
Elsevier, Volume 39, Issue 8, November 2013, Pages 2553-2565. |
2013-j-3 |
Tomoaki Ishiyama, Steven Rieder, Junichiro Makino,
Simon Portegies Zwart, Derek Groen, Keigo Nitadori, Cees de Laat,
Stephen McMillan, Kei Hiraki, Stefan Harfst, "The Cosmogrid Simulation:
Statistical Properties of Small Dark Matter Halos", The Astrophysical
Journal, IOP Publishing, vol 767, issue 2, pp 146, April 20 2013. |
2013-j-2 |
Reginald Cushing, Ganesh Hananda, Adam Belloum,
Spiros Koulouzis, Marian Bubak, Cees de Laat, "Distributed Computing on
an Ensemble of Browsers", IEEE Internet Computing, vol.17, no.5,
pp.54-61, doi: 10.1109/MIC.2013.3 |
2013-j-1 |
Matthijs R. Koot, Michel Mandjes, Guido van 't
Noordende, Cees de Laat, "A Probabilistic Perspective on
Re-Identifiability", Journal of Mathematical Population Studies, Volume
20, Issue 3, 2013, pages 155- 171, 05 Aug 2013, DOI:
10.1080/08898480.2013.816222 |
2012-j-1 |
Adianto Wibisono, Ralph Koning, Paola Grosso, Adam
Belloum, Marian Bubak, Cees de Laat, "OIntEd: online ontology instance
editor enabling a new approach to ontology development.", Journal of
Software: Practice and Experience, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,
1097-024X, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/spe.2141, July 2012
2011-j-4 |
Zhiming Zhao, Paola Grosso, Jeroen van der Ham,
Ralph Koning, Cees de Laat, "An agent based network resource planner for
workflow applications", IOS Press Journal Multiagent and Grid Systems,
Volume 7, Issue 6, Jan 2011, Pages 187-202. |
2011-j-3 |
Ralph Koning, Paola Grosso and Cees de Laat, "Using
ontologies for resource description in the CineGrid Exchange", Future
Generation Computer Systems, Volume 27, Issue 7, june 2011, Pages
960-965. |
2011-j-2 |
Joe Mambretti, Mathieu Lemay, Scott Campbell, Herve
Guy, Thomas Tam, Eric Bernier, Bobby Ho, Michel Savoie, Cees de Laat,
Ronald van der Pol, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, Sergi Figuerola, Pau Minoves,
Dimitra Simeonidou, Eduard Escalona, Norberto Amaya Gonzalez, Admela
Jukan, Wolfgang Bziuk, Dongkyun Kim, KwangJong Cho, Hui-Lan Lee and
Te-Lung Liu, "High Performance Digital Media Network (HPDMnet): An
advanced international research initiative and global experimental
testbed.", Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 27, Issue 7, june
2011, Pages 893-905. |
2011-j-1a |
Paola Grosso, Laurin Herr, Naohisa Ohta, Paul
Hearty, Cees de Laat, "CineGrid: Super High Definition Media over
Optical Networks", editorial, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume
27, Issue 7, june 2011, Pages 881-885. |
2010-j-2 |
Derek Groen, Steven Rieder, Paola Grosso, Cees de
Laat, Simon Portegies Zwart, "A light-weight communication library for
distributed computing", IOP journal Computational Science &
Discovery 3 (2010) 015002 (14pp) doi:10.1088/1749-4699/3/1/015002. |
2010-j-1 |
Simon Portegies Zwart, Tomoaki Ishiyama, Derek
Groen, Keigo Nitadori, Junichiro Makino, Cees de Laat, Stephen McMillan,
Kei Hiraki, Stefan Harfst, Paola Grosso, "Simulating the Universe on an
Intercontinental Grid", IEEE Computer, Volume 43, Issue 8, Aug. 2010,
page 63-70. |
2009-j-5 |
Guido van 't Noordende, Silvia D. Olabarriaga,
Matthijs R. Koot, Cees Th.A.M. de Laat, "A Trusted Data Storage
Infrastructure for Grid-Based Medical Applications", International
Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing, Vol. 1, Issue 2,
April-June 2009, pages 1-14. |
2009-j-4a |
Larry Smarr, Maxine Brown, Cees de Laat, Editorial:
"Special Section: OptIPlanet - The OptIPuter Global Collaboratory",
Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 25, Issue 2, February 2009,
Pages 109-113. |
2009-j-3 |
Leon Gommans, Li Xu, Fred Wan, Yuri Demchenko, Mihai
Cristea, Robert Meijer, Cees de Laat, "Multi-Domain Lightpath
Authorization using Tokens", FGCS, Vol 25, issue 2, feb 2009, pages
153-160. |
2009-j-2 |
Freek Dijkstra, Jeroen van der Ham, Paola Grosso,
Cees de Laat, "A Path Finding Implementation for Multi-Layer Networks",
Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 25, Issue 2, February 2009,
Pages 142-146. |
2009-j-1 |
Paola Grosso, Damien Marchal, Jason Maassen, Eric
Bernier, Li Xu, Cees de Laat, "Dynamic Photonic Lightpaths in the
StarPlane Network", FGCS, Vol 25, issue 2, feb 2009, pages 132-136. |
2008-j-4 |
Jeroen van der Ham, Freek Dijkstra, Paola Grosso,
Ronald van der Pol, Andree Toonk, Cees de Laat, "A distributed topology
information system for optical networks based on the semantic web",
Elsevier Journal on Optical Switching and Networking, Volume 5, Issues
2-3, June 2008, pp 85-93. Award: JOSN Most cited article!
2008-j-3 |
Freek Dijkstra, Bert Andree, Karst Koymans, Jeroen
van der Ham, Paola Grosso, Cees de Laat, "Multi-Layer Network Model
Based on ITU-T G.805", Computer Networks, Volume 52, Issue 10, 16 July
2008, Pages 1927-1937. |
2008-j-2 |
Paola Grosso, Li Xu, Jan-Philip Velders, Cees de
Laat, "StarPlane: A National Dynamic Photonic Network controlled by Grid
Applications", Emerald Journal on Internet Research, 2007, Vol 17,
Issue 5, pp 546-553. |
2008-j-1 |
Yuri Demchenko, Olle Mulmo, Leon Gommans, Cees de
Laat, Fred Wan, "Dynamic Security Context Management in Grid-based
Applications", Future Generation Computer Systems, vol 24 (2008)
434-441. |
2006-j-7 |
L. Gommans, B. van Oudenaarde, A. Wan, C.T.A.M. de
Laat, R. Meijer, F. Travostino and I. Monga, "Token Based Networking:
Experiment NL101", Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 22, Issue
8, October 2006, Pages 1025-1031. |
2006-j-6 |
F. Dijkstra, J.J. van der Ham and C.T.A.M. de Laat,
"Using Zero Configuration Technology for IP addressing in Optical
Networks", iGrid2005 special issue, Future Generation Computer Systems,
volume 22 issue 8, pp. 908-914 (2006). |
2006-j-5 |
F. Travostino, P. Daspit, L. Gommans, C. Jog,
C.T.A.M. de Laat, J. Mambretti, I. Monga, B. van Oudenaarde, S.
Raghunath and P.Y. Wang, "Seamless Live Migration of Virtual Machines
over the MAN/WAN", Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 22, Issue
8, October 2006, Pages 901-907. |
2006-j-4 |
M. Scarpa, R.G. Belleman, P.M.A. Sloot and C.T.A.M.
de Laat, "Highly Interactive Distributed Visualization", iGrid2005
special issue, Future Generation Computer Systems, volume 22 issue 8,
pp. 896-900 (2006). |
2006-j-3 |
J..J. van der Ham, F. Dijkstra, F. Travostino,
H.M.A. Andree and C.T.A.M. de Laat, "Using RDF to Describe Networks",
iGrid2005 special issue, Future Generation Computer Systems, volume 22
issue 8, pp. 862-867 (2006). |
2006-j-2a |
L. Smarr, T.A. DeFanti, M.D. Brown and C.T.A.M. de
Laat, "iGrid 2005: The Global Lambda Integrated Facility", editorial,
iGrid2005 special issue, Future Generation Computer Systems, volume 22
issue 8, pp. 849-851 (2006). |
2006-j-1 |
Leon Gommans, Freek Dijkstra, Cees de Laat, Arie
Taal, Alfred Wan, Bas van Oudenaarde, Tal Lavian, Inder Monga, Franco
Travostino, "Applications Drive Secure Lightpath Creation across
Heterogeneous Domains", IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 44, no. 3,
March 2006 |
2005-j-4 |
Antony Antony, Johan Blom, Cees de Laat, Jason Lee,
"Exploring practical limitations of TCP over TransAtlantic networks",
High-Speed Networks and Services for Data-Intensive Grids: the DataTAG
Project, special issue, Future Generation Computer Systems, volume 21
issue 4 (2005). |
2005-j-3 |
Robert L. Grossman, Yunhong Gu and Xinwei Hong,
Antony Antony, Johan Blom, Freek Dijkstra, and Cees de Laat, "Teraflows
over Gigabit WANs with UDT", High-Speed Networks and Services for
Data-Intensive Grids: the DataTAG Project, special issue, Future
Generation Computer Systems, volume 21 issue 4, pp. 501-513 (2005). |
2005-j-2 |
S.M.C.M. van Oudenaarde, Z.W. Hendrikse, F.
Dijkstra, L.H.M. Gommans, C.T.A.M. de Laat, R.J. Meijer, "Dynamic paths
in multi-domain optical networks for grids", High-Speed Networks and
Services for Data-Intensive Grids: the DataTAG Project, special issue,
Future Generation Computer Systems, volume 21 issue 4, pp. 539-548
(2005). |
2005-j-1 |
Catalin Meirosu, Piotr Golonka, Andreas Hirstius,
Stefan Stancu, Bob Dobinson, Erik Radius, Antony Antony, Freek Dijkstra,
Johan Blom, Cees de Laat, "Native 10 Gigabit Ethernet experiments over
long distances", Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 21, Issue 4,
April 2005, Pages 457-468. |
2003-j-7 |
Adam Belloum, David Groep, Zeger Hendrikse, Bob
Hertzberger, Vladimir Korkhov, Cees T. A. M. de Laat, Dmitry Vasunin,
"VLAM-G: a grid-based virtual laboratory", Future Generation Computer
Systems, Volume 19, Issue 2, February 2003, Pages 209-217 |
2003-j-6 |
Thomas DeFanti, Cees de Laat, Joe Mambretti, Kees
Neggers, Bill St. Arnaud: "TransLight: a global-scale LambdaGrid for
e-science", Communications of the ACM, Volume 46, Issue 11 (November
2003), Pages: 34 - 41. |
2003-j-5 |
Thomas DeFanti, Maxine D. Brown, Cees de Laat,
"editorial: Grid 2002: The International Virtual Laboratory", Future
Generation Computer Systems, Volume 19, Issue 6, August 2003, Pages
803-804. |
2003-j-4 |
Cees de Laat, Erik Radius, Steven Wallace, "The
Rationale of the Current Optical Networking Initiatives", iGrid2002
special issue, Future Generation Computer Systems, volume 19 issue 6
(2003). |
2003-j-3 |
Antony Antony, Johan Blom, Cees de Laat, Jason Lee,
Wim Sjouw, "Microscopic Examination of TCP flows over transatlantic
Links", Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 19, Issue 6, August
2003, Pages 1017-1029. |
2003-j-2 |
Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat, Bas van Oudenaarde, Arie
Taal, "Authorization of a QoS Path based on Generic AAA", Future
Generation Computer Systems, Volume 19, Issue 6, August 2003, Pages
1009-1016. |
2003-j-1 |
Zeger W. Hendrikse, Adam S. Z. Belloum, Philip M.R.
Jonkergouw, Gert B. Eijkel, Bob L.O. Hertzberger, Vladimir Korkhov, Cees
T.A.M. de Laat, Dmitry Vasunin, "Evaluating the VLAM-G toolkit on the
DAS-2", Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 19, Issue 6, August
2003, Pages 815-824. |
2002-j-2 |
A. S. Z. Belloum, D. L. Groep, Z. W. Hendrikse, L.
O. Hertzberger, V. Korkhov, C.T.A.M. de Laat, D. Vasunin, "VLAM-G: A
Grid-Based Virtual Laboratory", Future Generation Computer Systems 19
(2003) 209-217 |
2002-j-1 |
H. Afsarmanesh, R.G. Belleman, A.S.Z. Belloum, A.
Benabdelkader, J.F.J. van den Brand, G.B. Eijkel, A. Frenkel, C. Garita,
D.L. Groep, R.M.A. Heeren, Z.W. Hendrikse, L.O. Hertzberger, J.A.
Kaandorp, E.C. Kaletas, V. Korkhov, C.T.A.M. de Laat, P.M.A. Sloot,
D.Vasunin, A. Visser and H.H. Yakali, "VLAM-G: A Grid-based virtual
laboratory", Scientific Programming, Volume 10, Number 2, 2002, page
173-181 |
2000-j-4 |
G. Kemmerling, H. Blom, P. Busch, W. Kooijman, M.
Korten, C. T. A. M. de Laat, W. Lourens, E. van der Meer, B. Niderost,
A. A. M. Oomens, F. Wijnoltz, K. Zwoll, "Development of an integrated
data storage and retrieval system for TEC", Fusion Engineering and
Design, Volume 48, Issues 1-2, 1 August 2000, Pages 149-154 |
2000-j-3 |
Henri Bal, Raoul Bhoedjang, Rutger Hofman, Ceriel
Jacobs, Thilo Kielmann, Jason Maassen, Rob van Nieuwpoort, John Romein,
Luc Renambot, Tim Rahl, Ronald Veldema, Kees Verstoep, Aline Baggio,
Gerco Ballintijn, Ihor Kuz, Guillaume Pierre, Maarten van Steen, Andy
Tanenbaum, Gerben Doornbos, Desmond Germans, Hans Spoelder, Evert-Jan
Baerends, Stan van Gisbergen, Hamideh Afsermanesh, Dick van Albada, Adam
Belloum, David Dubbeldam, Zeger Hendrikse, Bob Hertzberger, Alfons
Hoekstra, Kamil Iskra, Drona Kandhai, Dennis Koelma, Frank van der
Linden, Benno Overeinder, Peter Sloot, Piero Spinnato, Dick Epema, Arjan
van Gemund, Pieter Jonker, Andrei Radulescu, Cees van Reeuwijk, Henk
Sips, Peter Knijnenburg, Michael Lew, Floris Sluiter, Lex Wolters, Hans
Blom, Cees de Laat, Aad van der Steen, "The distributed ASCI
supercomputer project", ACM Special Interest Group, Operating Systems
Review, Vol. 34, No. 4, p 76-96, October 2000. |
2000-j-2 |
B.U. Niderost, L. Gommans, G. Kemmerling, M. Korten,
C.T.A.M. de Laat, W. Lourens and E.A. van der Meer, "Objectivity /
Corba Distributed Database Performance on a Gigabit Sun-ultra-10
Cluster", IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science, April 2000, vol.47, nr.2,
p313. |
2000-j-1 |
E.P. Prendergast, A. van den Brink, A.P. de Haas, R.
Kamermans, P.G. Kuijer, C.T.A.M. de Laat, R.W. Ostendorf, E. Oti, A.
Peghaire and R.J.M. Snellings, "Flow and multifragmentation of 24Mg+27Al
at intermediate energies", Phys. Rev. C, vol.61, (2000) 024611. |
1999-j-4 |
E.P. Prendergast, R. Kamermans, P.G. Kuijer, A.
Peghaire, C.T.A.M. de Laat, A.P. de Haas, R. Snellings, E. Oti, A. van
den Brink, R.W. Ostendorf, "Dynamic IMF production in $^{24} Mg+^{27} Al
$ at intermediate energies", Phys. Lett. B, EXT-99-002, 1999/2/16 |
1999-j-3 |
A. A. M. Oomens, F. Durodie, G. Kemmerling, W.
Kooijman, M. Korten, C. Th. A. M. de Laat, W. Lourens, K. Zwoll, "The
TEC remote control room project at TEXTOR", Fusion Engineering and
Design, Volume 43, Issues 3-4, January 1999, Pages 357-361 |
1999-j-2 |
G. Kemmerling, K. Zwoll, C. T. A. M. de Laat, W.
Kooijman, M. Korten, W. Lourens, E. van der Meer, A. A. M. Oomens,
"Remote handling of TEXTOR diagnostics using CORBA as communication
architecture", Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 43, Issues 3-4,
January 1999, Pages 335-341 |
1999-j-1 |
R.J.M. Snellings, W. Hulsbergen, E.P. Prendergast,
A. van den Brink, A.P. de Haas, J.J.L.M. Habets, R. Kamermans, M.
Koopmans, P.G. Kuijer, C.T.A.M. de Laat, R.W. Ostendorf, A. Peghaire and
M. Rossewij, "An analytic solution for energy loss and time-of-flight
calculations for intermediate-energy light ions", Nucl. Instr. Meth. in
Phys. Res. A 438 (1999) 368-375. |
1998-j-2 |
R.J.M. Snellings, A. van den Brink, A.P. de Haas,
J.J.L.M. Habets, W. Hulsbergen, R. Kamermans, P.G. Kuijer, C.T.A.M. de
Laat, R.W. Ostendorf, A. Peghaire and E.P. Prendergast, "IMF-IMF
azimuthal correlations as a tool to probe reaction dynamics in 36Ar +
48Ti at 45 MeV", Physics Letters B426 (1998) 263-268. |
1998-j-1 |
H.M.A. Andree, J. Habets, M. Koopmans, W. Kooijman,
G. Kemmerling, M. Korten, C.T.A.M. de Laat, W. Lourens, E.A. van der
Meer, A.A.M. Oomens and J. Venema, "Virtual Control Room, the REMOT
project, Networking Pilot Studies", IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science,
vol.45, nr.4 (1998) 1998. |
1997-j-2 |
E.P. Prendergast, E.H. Agterhuis, P.G. Kuijer, A.
van den Brink, A.P. de Haas, R. Kamermans, C.Th.A.M. de Laat, W.
Lourens, C.J. Oskamp, R.J.M. Snellings and J.M. Voerman, "Properties of
CF4 and isobutane for use in microtrip gas counters", Nucl. Instr. &
Meth. in Phys. Res. A 385 (1997) 243-247. |
1997-j-1 |
C.Th.A.M. de Laat, P.G. Kuijer, P. Olthuis, V.J.
Giesing and J. Venema, "Experiences with the application of LAN
emulation in a data acquisition system", IEEE Transact. on Nucl. Sc.
vol.44, no.4 (1997) 1635-1638. |
1996-j-1 |
C.Th.A.M. de Laat, P.G. Kuijer, P. Olthuis, and W.
Lourens, "A distributed data acquisition system by ATM Networks, a Pilot
Study", IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol 43, no 1, February
1996, 123-127. |
1995-j-1 |
R.J.M. Snellings, R.W. Ostendorf, P.G. Kuijer,
T.M.V. Bootsma, A. van den Brink, A.P. de Haas, R. Kamermans, C.Th.A.M.
de Laat, G.J. van Nieuwenhuizen, C.J. Oskamp, A. Peghaire, C.J.W.
Twenhofel and J.M. Voerman, "Performance of the Huygens detectors at
intermediate energies", Nucl. Phys A583 (1995) 457. |
1994-j-3 |
T.V.M. Bootsma, A. van den Brink, A.P. de Haas, R.
Kamermans, P.G. Kuijer, C.T.A.M. de Laat, G.J. van Nieuwenhuizen, R.
Ostendorf, R.J.M. Snellings, C.J.W. Twenhofel, "A time projection
chamber with microstrip read-out", Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A
349 (1994) 204-209. |
1994-j-2 |
H. Breuer, M.G. Khayat, F. Adimi, B.S. Flanders,
M.A. Khandaker, P.G. Roos, D. Zhang; Th. S. Bauer, J. Konijn, C.T.A.M.
de Laat, G.S. Kyle, S. Mukhopadhyay, M. Wang and R. Tacik, "Excitation
function for 4He(p+, rr)2H two-nucleon absorption across the D
resonance", Phys. Rev. C, vol.49, no.5 (1994) R2276-2280. |
1994-j-1 |
C.Th.A.M. de Laat and P.G. Kuijer, "Data acquisition
system for small to medium size experiments", IEEE Transact. on Nucl.
Sc., vol.41, no.1 (1994) 58-60. |
1993-j-5 |
T.M.V. Bootsma, W. Verkerke, A. van den Brink,
N.J.A.M. van Eijndhoven, A.P. de Haas, W.F. van Heeringen, R. Kamermans,
C.T.A.M. de Laat, P.G. Kuijer, G.J. van Nieuwenhuizen, R.J.M. Snellings
and C.J.W. Twenhofel, "Microstrip detectors in intermediate energy
heavy ion physics", Letter to the Editor. Nucl. Instr. Meth. in Phys.
Res. A 324 (1993) 399-400. |
1993-j-4 |
Ch.Rosel, H.Hanscheid, J.Hartfiel, R.von Mutius,
J.F.M.d'Achard van Enschut, P.David, H.Janszen, T.Johansson, J.Konijn,
T.Krogulski, C.T.A.M.de Laat, H.Paganetti, C.Petitjean, S.M.Polikanov,
H.W.Reist, F.Risse, L.A.Schaller, L.Schellenberg, W.Schrieder,
L.M.Simons, A.K.Sinha, A.Taal, J.P.Theobald, G.Tibell and N.Trautmann
"The Study of Prompt and Delayed Muon Induced Fission; III. The ratio of
prompt to delayed fission yields.", Z.f.Physik Hadrons and Nuclei A345
(1993) 89. |
1993-j-3 |
Ch.Rosel, F.F.Karpeshin, P.David, H.Hanscheid,
J.Konijn, C.T.A.M.de Laat, H.Paganetti, F.Risse, B.Sabirov,
L.A.Schaller, L.Schellenberg, W.Schrieder, and A.Taal, "Experimental
evidence for muonic X-rays from fission fragments: The ratio of prompt
to delayed fission yields.", Z.f.Physik Hadrons and Nuclei A345 (1993)
425. |
1993-j-2 |
Ch. Rosel, H. Hanscheid, J. Hartfiel, R. von Mutius,
J.F.M. d'Achard van Enschut, P. David, H. Janszen, T. Johansson, J.
Konijn, T. Krogulski, C.T.A.M. de Laat, H. Paganetti, C. Petitjean, S.M.
Polikanov, H.W. Reist, F. Risse, L.A. Schaller, L. Schellenberg, W.
Schrieder, A.K. Sinha, A. Taal, J.P. Theobald, G. Tibell, N. Trautmann,
"The study of prompt and delayed muon induced fission III. The ratios of
prompt to delayed fission yields", Z. Phys. A 345 (1993) 89-95. |
1993-j-1 |
Ch. Rosel, F.F. Karpeshin, P. David, H. Hanscheid,
J. Konijn, C.T.A.M. de Laat, H. Paganetti, F. Risse, B. Sabirov, L.A.
Schaller, L. Schellenberg, W. Schrieder, A. Taal, "Experimental evidence
for muonic X-rays from fission fragments", Z. Phys. A 345 (1993)
425-426. |
1992-j-10 |
W.M.A. Bik, C.T.A.M. de Laat and F.H.P.M. Habraken,
"On the use of a dE-E telescope in elastic recoil detection", Nucl.
Instr. & Meth. in Phys. Res. B64 (1992) 832-835. |
1992-j-9 |
Th.S. Bauer, R. Hamers, P. Boberg, H. Breuer, R. van
Dantzig, F. Geerling, S. Hyman, J. Konijn, C.T.A.M. de Laat, Y.
Lefevre, A. Taal, J.L. Visschers and R. Ykema, "Pion absorption followed
by multinucleon emission", Phys. Rev. C, vol.46, nr.1 (1992) 20-24. |
1992-j-8 |
H.Paganetti, P.David, H.Hanscheid, J.Konijn,
C.T.A.M.de Laat, W.Lourens, F.Risse, Ch.Rosel, L.A.Schaller, and A.Taal,
"Radiationless Transition in Muonic 209Bi", Z.f.Physik-Atomic Nuclei
A342 (1992) 245. |
1992-j-7 |
H.Paganetti, P.David, H.Hanscheid, J.Konijn,
C.T.A.M.de Laat, W.Lourens, F.Risse, Ch.Rosel, L.A.Schaller, and A.Taal,
"Delayed Muon Induced Fission of 209Bi and the Role of Meson-Exchange
Currents", Z.f.Physik-Atomic Nuclei A343 (1992) 113. |
1992-j-6 |
H.Hanscheid, P.David, H.Folger, J.Konijn,
T.Krogulski, C.T.A.M.de Laat, T.Mayer-Kuckuk, C.Petitjean,
S.M.Polikanov, H.W.Reist, F.Risse, Ch.F.G.Rosel, L.A.Schaller,
L.Schellenberg, W.Schrieder, L.M.Simons, A.K.Sinha and A.Taal, "Nuclear
excitation and prompt fission in muonic 238U.", Z.f.Physik-Atomic Nuclei
A342 (1992) 111. |
1992-j-5 |
H. Paganetti, P. David, H. Hanscheid, J. Konijn,
C.T.A.M. de Laat, W. Lourens, F. Risse, Ch.Rosel, L.A. Schaller and A.
Taal, "Delayed muon induced fission of 209Bi and the role of
meson-exchange currents", Z. Phys. At. Nucl. A343 (1992) 113. |
1992-j-4 |
H. Paganetti, P. David, H. Hanscheid, J. Konijn,
C.T.A.M. de Laat, W. Lourens, F. Risse, Ch. Rosel, L.A. Schaller and A.
Taal, "Radiationless transition in muonic 209Bi", Z. Phys. At. Nucl.
A342 (1992) 245. |
1992-j-3 |
H. Hanscheid, P. David, H. Folger, J. Konijn, T.
Krogulski, C.T.A.M. de Laat, T. Mayer-Kuckuk, C. Petitjean, S.M.
Polikanov, H.W. Reist, F. Risse, Ch.F.G. Rosel, L.A. Schaller, L.
Schellenberg, W. Schrieder, L.M. Simons, A.K. Sinha and A. Taal,
"Nuclear excitation and prompt fission in muonic 238U", Z. Phys. At.
Nucl. A342 (1992) 111. |
1992-j-2 |
F. Adimi, H. Breuer, B.S. Flanders, M.A. Khandaker,
M.G. Khayat, P.G. Roos, D. Zhang, Th.S. Bauer, J. Konijn, C.T.A.M. de
Laat, G.S. Kyle, S. Mukhopadhyay, M. Wang and R. Tacik, "Two-nucleon
absorption of pi+ in 4He at np+ = 114 and 162 MeV", Phys. Rev. C,
vol.45, nr.6 (1992) 2589-2602. |
1992-j-1 |
F. Adimi, H. Breuer, B.S. Flanders, M.A. Khandaker,
M.G. Khayat, P.G. Roos, D. Zhang, Th.S. Bauer, J. Konijn, C.T.A.M. de
Laat, G.S. Kyle, S.Mukhopadhyay, M. Wang and R. Tacik, "Two Nucleon
Absorption of pi+ in 4He at T = 115 and 165 MeV.", Phys.Rev. C45 (1992)
2589. |
1991-j-4 |
W.Schrieder, P.David, H.Hanscheid, J.Konijn,
C.T.A.M.de Laat, H.Paganetti, C.Petitjean, H.W.Reist, F.Risse, Ch.Rosel,
L.A.Schaller, L.Schellenberg, A.K.Sinha, A.Taal and N.Trautmann, "The
Probability of Prompt and Delayed Fission of Muonic 237Np.", Zeitschrift
fur Physik A - Hadrons and Nuclei A339 (1991) 445. |
1991-j-3 |
F.Risse, W.Bertl, P.David, H.Hanscheid, E.Hermes,
J.Konijn, C.T.A.M.de Laat, H.Pruys, Ch.Rosel, W.Schrieder, A.Taal and
D.Vermeulen, "Muon attachment in prompt fission of 237Np.", Zeitschrift
fur Physik A - Hadrons and Nuclei A339 (1991) 427. |
1991-j-2 |
Ch.F.G.Rosel, P.David, H.Folger, H.Hanscheid,
J.Konijn, T.Krogulski, C.T.A.M.de Laat, T.Mayer-Kuckuk, C.Petitjean,
S.M.Polikanov, H.W.Reist, F.Risse, L.A.Schaller, L.Schellenberg,
W.Schrieder, L.M.Simons, A.K.Sinha and A.Taal, "Radiationless transition
probabilities in muonic 208Pb, 232Th, and 238U.", Z.f.Physik Atomic
Nuclei A340 (1991) 199. |
1991-j-1 |
C.T.A.M. de Laat, A. Taal, J. Konijn, P. David, H.
Hanscheid, F. Risse, Ch.F.G. Rosel, W. Schrieder and C. Petitjean, "A
study of the strong interaction effects on pionic 3d and 4f levels in
181Ta, natRe, natPt, 197Au, 208Pb, 209Bi and 237Np", Nucl. Phys. A523
(1991) 453-487. |
1990-j-3 |
J.Konijn, C.T.A.M.de Laat, A.Taal and J.H.Koch, "An
improved parametrization of the optical potential for pionic atoms.",
Nucl. Phys. A519(1990)773. |
1990-j-2 |
H.Hanscheid, P.David, J.Konijn, T.Krogulski,
C.T.A.M.de Laat, T.Mayer-Kuckuk, C.Petitjean, S.M.Polikanov, H.W.Reist,
F.Risse, Ch.Rosel, L.A.Schaller, L.Schellenberg, W.Schrieder, A.K.Sinha
and A.Taal, "Muon capture rates in 233, 234, 235, 236, 238U and 237Np",
Zeitschrift fur Physik-Atomic Nuclei A335 (1990) 1 |
1990-j-1 |
A.Taal, P.David, H.Hanscheid, J.H.Koch, J.Konijn,
C.T.A.M.de Laat, W.Lourens, F.Risse, Ch.F.G.Rosel, A.van der Schaaf, and
W.Schrieder, "Deeply bound 1s and 2p states in pionic atoms", Nuclear
Physics A511(1990)573. |
1988-j-1 |
P.David, J.Hartfiel, H.Janszen, T.Mayer-Kuckuk,
R.von Mutius, C.Petitjean, H.W.Reist, S. Polikanov, J.Konijn, C.T.A.M.de
Laat, A.Taal, T.Krogulski, T. Johansson, G. Tibell, J.F.M. d'Achard van
Enschut, J.P.Theobald, N.Trautmann, C.Gugler, L.A.Schaller and
L.Schellenberg, "The Study of Prompt and Delayed Muon Induced Fission;
II. Mean life times of negative muons bound to the actinide nuclei
237Np, 242Pu and 244Pu", Zeitschrift fur Physik-Atomic Nuclei A330
(1988) 397 |
1987-j-4 |
P.David, J.Hartfiel, H.Janszen, T.Mayer-Kuckuk,
R.von Mutius, C.Petitjean, H.W.Reist, S.M.Polikanov, J.Konijn,
C.T.A.M.de Laat, A.Taal, T.Krogulski, T. Johansson, G. Tibell and J.F.M.
d'Achard van Enschut, "The Study of Prompt and Delayed Muon Induced
Fission; I. Total kinetic energies and mass distributions", Zeitschrift
fur Physik-Atomic Nuclei A328 (1987) 37 |
1987-j-3 |
J.Konijn, W.Bertl, W.Duinker, S.Egli, Ch.Grab,
E.A.Hermes, C.T.A.M. de Laat, A. van der Schaaf and A.Taal, "Search for
the Double Charge Exchange reaction in pionic atoms", Physics Letters
196B (1987) 28 |
1987-j-2 |
C.T.A.M.de Laat, P.Polak, A.Taal, J.Konijn,
W.Lourens and A.H. Wapstra, "The positon decay energy of 132Cs", Journal
of Nuclear Physics G 13 (1987) 1283 |
1987-j-1 |
C.T.A.M.de Laat, A.Taal, W.Duinker, J.Konijn,
J.F.M.d'Achard van Enschut, P.David, J.Hartfiel, H.Janszen,
T.Mayer-Kuckuk, R.von Mutius, C.Piller, L.A.Schaller, L.Schellenberg,
T.Krogulski, C.Petitjean and H.W.Reist, "The quadrupole moment and
strong interaction parameters from muonic and pionic X-ray studies of
237Np", Physics Letters 189B (1987) 7 |
1986-j-1 |
P.David, J.Hartfiel, H.Janszen, T.Mayer-Kuckuk,
R.von Mutius, C.T.A.M.de Laat, A.Taal, W.Duinker, J.Konijn,
J.F.M.d'Achard van Enschut, C.Gugler, L.A.Schaller, L.Schellenberg,
T.Krogulski, C.Petitjean, H.W.Reist and W.Muller, "The probability of
non-radiative decay of the 3d level in muonic 237Np", Physics Letters
180B (1986) 324 |
1985-j-3 |
C.T.A.M.de Laat, A.Taal, W.Duinker, A.H.Wapstra,
J.Konijn, J.F.M.d'Achard van Enschut, P.David, J.Hartfiel, H.Janszen,
R.von Mutius, C.Gugler, L.A.Schaller, L.Schellenberg, T.Krogulski,
C.Petitjean and H.W.Reist, "Strong interaction effects in pionic 208Pb",
Physics Letters 162B (1985) 81 |
1985-j-2 |
C.T.A.M. de Laat and J.G. Kromme, "General-purpose
fast CAMAC software for PDP-11 computers", Nuclear Instruments and
Methods in Physics Research A239 (1985) 556. |
1985-j-1 |
A.Taal, J.F.M. d'Achard van Enschut, J.B.R.Berkhout,
W.Duinker, C.W.E. van Eijk, W.H.A. Hesselink, P.J. van den Hoek, T.J.
Ketel, J.H. Koch, J. Konijn, C.T.A.M. de Laat, W. Lourens, G. van
Middelkoop, W.Poeser, T.Prins and A.H.Wapstra, "Anomalous Strong
Interaction in Pionic Mg", Physics Letters 156B (1985) 296. |
1984-j-1 |
J.F.M. d'Achard van Enschut, J.B.R.Berkhout,
W.Duinker, C.W.E.van Eijk, W.H.A.Hesselink, T.Johansson, T.J.Ketel,
J.H.Koch, J.Konijn, C.T.A.M.de Laat, W.Lourens, G.van Middelkoop and
W.Poeser, "Anomalous strong interaction shifts and widths of the 3d
state in pionic Pt and Au", Physics Letters 136B (1984) 24. |
Conference Contributions
2021-c-4 |
Lu Zhang, Reginald Cushing, Cees de Laat, Paola
Grosso, “A real-time intrusion detection system based on OC-SVM for
containerized applications”, the 24th IEEE International
Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE 2021). |
2021-c-3 |
Uraz Odyurt, Julius Roeder, Andy D Pimentel, I
Gonzalez Alonso, Cees de Laat, "Power passports for fault tolerance:
Anomaly detection in industrial CPS using electrical EFB", 2021 IEEE
Conference on Industrial Cyberphysical Systems, 2021, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9468262, Award: Best Student Paper!
2021-c-2 |
Yuri Demchenko, Cees de Laat, Wouter Los, "Future
Scientific Data Infrastructure: Towards Platform Research Infrastructure
as a Service (PRIaaS)", The 2020 International Conference on High
Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2020), The 18th Annual
Meeting, 25 - 29 January 2021, Barcelona, Spain (Virtual/Online event). http://hpcs2020.cisedu.info/
2021-c-1 |
Lu Zhang, Reginald Cushing, Ralph Koning, Cees de
Laat, Paola Grosso, "Profiling and discriminating of containerized ML
applications in Digital Data Marketplaces (DDM)", Proceedings of ICISSP 2021, 7th international Conerence on Information Systems Security and Privacy, 11-13 february.
2020-c-5 |
Daan Weller, Raoul Dijksman Mensenkamp, Arjan van
der Vegt, Jan-Willem van Bloem, Cees de Laat, "Wi-Fi 6 performance
measurements of 1024-QAM and DL OFDMA", IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC), 7-11 June 2020, DOI:
10.1109/ICC40277.2020.9149106. |
2020-c-4 |
G. Stramondo, M. D. Gomony, B. Kozicki, C. D. Laat
and A. L. Varbanescu, mu-Genie: A Framework for Memory-Aware Spatial
Processor Architecture Co-Design Exploration," 2020 23rd Euromicro
Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), Kranj, Slovenia, 2020, pp.
180-184, doi: 10.1109/DSD51259.2020.00038. |
2020-c-3 |
Erik Lamers, Raoul Dijksman, Arjan van der Vegt, Mayur
Sarode, Cees de Laat, "Securing home Wi-Fi with WPA3 personal",
Proceedings of IEEE CCNC 2021 and IEEE Xplorer.
2020-c-2 |
Xin Zhou, Reginald Cushing, Ralph Koning, Adam
Belloum, Paola Grosso, Sander Klous, Tom van Engers, Cees de Laat,
"Policy Enforcement for Secure and Trustworthy Data Sharing in
Multi-domain Infrastructures", In the proceedings of the 14th IEEE
International Conference On Big Data Science and Engineering (IEEE BigDataSE 2020) co-lcated with IEEE TrustCom 2020, Guangzhou, China, December 29, 2020 - January 1, 2021
2020-c-1 |
R Cushing, R Koning, L Zhang, C de Laat, P Grosso,
"Auditable secure network overlays for multi-domain distributed
applications", 2020 IFIP Networking Conference (Networking), 658-660. |
2019-c-12 |
Yuri Demchenko, Reggie Cushing, Wouter Los, Paola
Grosso, Cees de Laat, Leon Gommans, "Open Data Market Architecture and
Functional Components", 2019 International Conference on High
Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), IEEE, Pages 1017-1021 |
2019-c-11 |
Y Hu, C de Laat, Z Zhao, "Learning Workflow
Scheduling on Multi-Resource Clusters", 2019 IEEE International
Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage (NAS), p1-8. |
2019-c-10 |
R Cushing, O Valkering, A Belloum, C de Laat,
"Towards a New Paradigm for Programming Scientific Workflows", 2019 15th
International Conference on eScience (eScience), 604-608. |
2019-c-9 |
Sara Shakeri, Valentina Maccatrozzo, Lourens Veen,
Rena Bakhshi, Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat, Paola Grosso, "Modeling and
Matching Digital Data Marketplace Policies", 2019 15th International
Conference on eScience (eScience), 570-577. |
2019-c-8 |
Z Shi, H Zhou, J Surbiryala, Y Hu, C de Laat, Z
Zhao, "An Automated Customization and Performance Profiling Framework
for Permissioned Blockchains in a Virtualized Environment", 2019 IEEE
International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science
(CloudCom). |
2019-c-7 |
Lu Zhang, Reginald Cushing, Leon Gommans, Cees De
Laat, and Paola Grosso, "Modeling of collaboration archetypes in digital
market places" in journal IEEE Access 7, 102689-102700, DOI:
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2931762 |
2019-c-6 |
R. Koning, G. Polevoy, L. Meijer, C. de Laat, and P.
Grosso "Approaches for Collaborative Security Defences in Multi Network
Environments" [51], 6th IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security
and Cloud Computing (CSCloud)/ 2019 5th IEEE International Conference
on Edge Computing and Scalable Cloud (EdgeCom), |
2019-c-5 |
R. Koning, A. Deljoo, L. Meijer, C. de Laat, and P.
Grosso "Trust-based Collaborative Defences in Multi Network Alliances",
in 2019; 3rd Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet’19). IEEE.
Quito, Ecuador, Oct. 201, 42-49. |
2019-c-4 |
A. Deljoo, R. Koning, T. van Engers, L. Gommans, and
C. de Laat. "Managing Effective Collaboration in Cyber-security
Alliances Using Social Computational Trust". In: 2019 3rd Cyber Security
in Networking Conference (CSNet’19), IEEE. Quito, Ecuador, Oct. 201,
50-57. |
2019-c-3 |
Huan Zhou, Xue Ouyang, Zhijie Ren, Jinshu Su, Cees de
Laat and Zhiming Zhao, "A Blockchain based Witness Model for Trustworthy
Cloud Service Level Agreement Enforcement", In IEEE International
Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), pp. 1567-1575. IEEE,
2019. Award: Best Presentation!
2019-c-2 |
Zeshun Shi, Huan Zhou, Yang Hu, Jayachander
Surbiryala, Cees de Laat and Zhiming Zhao, "Operating Permissioned
Blockchain in Clouds: A Performance Study of Hyperledger Sawtooth", The
18th IEEE International Symposium On Parallel And Distributed Computing,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands - IPSDC 2019.
2019-c-1 |
Yang Hu, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao.
"Multi-objective Container Deployment on Heterogeneous Clusters.", 2019
International Workshop on Network-Aware Big Data Computing, in the
context of IEEE/ACM CCGrid 2019, Larnaca, Cyprus. |
2018-c-16 |
Giulio Stramondo, Cătălin Bogdan Ciobanu, Ana
Lucia Varbanescu, Cees de Laat, "Towards Application-Centric Parallel
Memories", In: Mencagli G. et al. (eds) Euro-Par 2018: Parallel
Processing Workshops. Euro-Par 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
vol 11339. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-10549-5_38. |
2018-c-15 |
Huan Zhou, Spiros Koulouzis, Yang Hu, Junchau Wang,
Cees de Laat, Alexandre Ulisses, Zhiming Zhao, "Migrating Live Streaming
Applications onto Clouds: Challenges and a CloudsStorm Solution", In
11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing
Companion (UCC Companion), workshop on Cloud-Native Applications Design
and Experience (CNAX), pp. 321-326. IEEE, 2018. |
2018-c-14 |
Huan Zhou, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao, "Trustworthy
Cloud Service Level Agreement Enforcement with Blockchain Based Smart
Contract" In IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology
and Science (CloudCom), workshop on resource brokering with blockchain
(RBChain), pp. 255-260. IEEE, 2018. |
2018-c-13 |
Gleb Polevoy, Stojan Trajanovski, Paola Grosso and
Cees de Laat, "Removing Undesirable Flows by Edge Deletion.", COCOA'2018
conference, December 15 - 17, 2018, Atlanta, Georgia, USA,
Springer-Verlag. |
2018-c-12 |
Merijn Elwin Verstraaten, Ana Lucia Varbanescu and
Cees de Laat, "Mix-and-Match: A Model-Driven Runtime Optimization
Strategy for BFS on GPUs", SC18 workshop IA^3 2018 "8th Workshop on
Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms", IEEE/ACM Conference Proceedings.
2018-c-11 |
Ameneh Deljoo, Tom van Engers, Leon Gommans, Cees de
Laat, "Social Computational Trust Model (SCTM): A Framework to
Facilitate Selection of Partners". In: Proceedings of 2018 IEEE/ACM
Innovating the Network for Data-Intensive Science (INDIS), Dallas, TX,
USA, 2018, pp. 45-54. doi: 10.1109/INDIS.2018.00008. IEEE/ACM Conference Proceedings.
2018-c-10 |
Y Hu, H Zhou, C de Laat, Z Zhao, "ECSched: Efficient
Container Scheduling on Heterogeneous Clusters", European Conference on
Parallel Processing, 365-377. |
2018-c-9 |
H. Zhou, Y. Hu, J. Su, M. Chi, C. de Laat and Z.
Zhao, "Empowering Dynamic Task-Based Applications with Agile Virtual
Infrastructure Programmability,", IEEE 11th International Conference on
Cloud Computing (CLOUD), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2018, pp. 484-491.
doi:10.1109/CLOUD.2018.00068. |
2018-c-8 |
Zhou H., Hu Y., Su J., de Laat C., Zhao Z.,
"CloudsStorm: An Application-Driven Framework to Enhance the
Programmability and Controllability of Cloud Virtual Infrastructures.",
In: Luo M., Zhang LJ. (eds) Cloud Computing, CLOUD 2018. Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, vol 10967. pp. 265-280, Springer, Cham, 2018. |
2018-c-7 |
Ameneh Deljoo, Tom van Engers, Ralph Koning, Leon
Gommans, Cees de Laat, "Towards trustworthy information sharing by
creating cyber security alliances". In: Proceedings of 2018 17th IEEE
International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And
Communications/12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science
And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). IEEE. 2018, pp. 1506-1510. |
2018-c-6 |
Ameneh Deljoo, Tom van Engers, Leon Gommans, Cees de
Laat, "The impact of competence and benevolence in a computational
model of trust". In: Proceedings of IFIP International Conference on
Trust Management. Springer. 2018, pp. 45-57. |
2018-c-5 |
Huan Zhou, Arie Taal, Spiros Koulouzis, Junchao
Wang, Yang Hu, George Suciu Jr., Vlad Poenaru, Cees de Laat, Zhiming
Zhao, "Dynamic real-time infrastructure planning and deployment for
disaster early warning systems", in the workshop on Data, Modeling, and
Computation in IoT and Smart Systems, International Conference on
Computational Science (ICCS), Wuxi, China (2018), pp. 644-654. Springer,
Cham, 2018. |
2018-c-4 |
Spiros Koulouzisy, Rahaf Mousa, Andreas Karakannas,
Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao, "Information Centric Networking for Sharing
and Accessing Digital Objects with Persistent Identifiers on Data
Infrastructures", in the 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Big
Data Management, in the context of IEEE CCGrid, Washington, US (2018)
[to appear].Places. |
2018-c-3 |
Catalin Bogdan Ciobanu, Giulio Stramondo, Cees de
Laat, Ana Lucia Varbanescu, "MAX-PolyMem: High-Bandwidth Polymorphic
Parallel Memories for DFEs", RAW 2018 workshop at IPDPS,
http://raw.necst.it/, Award: Best Paper!
2018-c-2 |
Giulio Stramondo, Ana Lucia Varbanescu, Catalin Bogdan
Ciobanu, Cees de Laat, "Application-centric Parallel Memories", short
paper at IPDPS PhD Forum, 2018, http://www.ipdps.org/ipdps2018/2018_phd_forum.html
2018-c-1 |
Ameneh Deljoo , Tom van Engers, Robert van Doesburg,
Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat, "A Normative Agent-based Model for Sharing
Data in Secure Trustworthy Digital Market Places." In: Proceedings of
the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(ICAART). Vol. 1. 2018, pp. 290-296, http://www.icaart.org/Home.aspx |
2017-c-14 |
Zhiming Zhao, Martin, P., Jones A., Taylor. I,
Stankovski, V., Sala-do. G., Suciu, G., Alexandre Ulisses, Cees de Laat,
"Developing, provisioning and controlling time critical applications in
Cloud", EU Project tracks at ESOCC17, Oslo, Norway. Advances in
Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing: Workshops of ESOCC 2017, Oslo,
Norway, September 27-29, 2017, Revised Selected Papers, Springer, Volume
824, Pages 169, Springer CCIS, (2017). |
2017-c-13 |
Spiros Koulouzis, Paul Martin, Carval, T., Grenier,
B., Judeau, G., Wang, J., Huan Zhou, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao,
"Seamless Infrastructure Customisation and Performance Optimisation for
Time-critical Services in Data Infrastructures", in proceedings of the
Eighth International Workshop on Data-Intensive Computing in the Clouds,
SuperComputing 17, Denver, U.S., (2017), ACM SIGHPC. |
2017-c-12 |
Wang, J., Huan Zhou, Yang Hu, Laat, C., and Zhiming
Zhao, "Deadline-Aware Coflow Scheduling in a DAG", NetCom workshop in
the context IEEE CloudCom, Hongkong, December (2017)
[doi:10.1109/CloudCom.2017.55]. |
2017-c-11 |
Yuri Demchenko, Adam Belloum, Cees de Laat, Charles
Loomis, Tomasz Wiktorski, Erwin Spekschoor, "Customisable Data Science
Educational Environment: From Competences Management and Curriculum
Design to Virtual Labs On-Demand", Proc. 4th IEEE STC CC Workshop on
Curricula and Teaching Methods in Cloud Computing, Big Data, and Data
Science (DTW2017), part of The 9th IEEE International Conference and
Workshops on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom2017),
11-14 Dec 2017, Hong Kong. |
2017-c-10 |
Polevoy G., Trajanovski S., Grosso P., de Laat C.,
"Filtering Undesirable Flows in Networks.", In Proceedings of COCOA (The
11th Annual Intl. Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and
Applications), vol. 10627, pp. 3-17, December 16-18, 2017, Shanghai,
China. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LCNS), Springer (eds. Gao X.,
Du H., Han M.), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71150-8_1
2017-c-9 |
Yang Hu, Junchao Wang, Huan Zhou, Paul Martin, Arie
Taal, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao, "Deadline-Aware Deployment for Time
Critical Applications in Clouds", Conference proceedings of European
Conference on Parallel Processing, Springer, Cham, 2017/8/28, Pages
345-357. |
2017-c-8 |
Olaf Elzinga, Spiros Koulouzis, Arie Taal, Junchao
Wang, Yang Hu, Huan Zhou, Paul Martin, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao,
"Automatic collector for dynamic cloud performance information",
International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS),
2017/8/7, IEEE, Pages 1-6. |
2017-c-7 |
Yuri Demchenko, Fatih Turkmen, Cees de Laat, Mathias
Slawik, "Defining Intercloud Security Framework and Architecture
Components for Multi-Cloud Data Intensive Applications", Proceedings of
the 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid
Computing (CCGrid 2017), IEEE Press, 2017/5/14, Pages 945-952 |
2017-c-6 |
Junchao Wang, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao, "QoS-aware
virtual SDN network planning", Conference proceedings 2017 IFIP/IEEE
Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM), IEEE,
2017/5/8, Pages 644-647. |
2017-c-5 |
Nick Buraglio, Ralph Koning, Cees de Laat, Paola
Grosso, "Enriching network and security events for event detection",
Short paper, Conference proceedings TNC2017, https://tnc17.geant.org/core/presentation/30.
2017-c-4 |
Olaf Elzinga, Spiros Koulouzis, Arie Taal, Junchao
Wang, Yang Hu, Huan Zhou, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao, "Collecting
Performance information of Cloud Resources.", The 12th International
Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS 2017), August 7
? 8, 2017, Shenzhen, China. |
2017-c-3 |
Ralph Koning, Ben de Graaff, Robert Meijer, Cees de
Laat, Paola Grosso, "Measuring the effectiveness of SDN mitigations
against cyber attacks", IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization
(Netsoft 2017 - SNS 2017). |
2017-c-2 |
Ameneh Deljoo, Tom van Engers, Leon Gommans and Cees
de Laat, "What is Going on: Utility-based Plan Selection in BDI
Agents", KnowProS 2017 workshop, AAAI-17, San Francisco feb 5, 2017.
(accepted) |
2017-c-1 |
R. Koning, A. Deljoo, S. Trajanovski, B. de Graaff, P.
Grosso, L. Gommans, T. van Engers, F. Fransen, R. Meijer, R. Wilson,
and C. de Laat, "Enabling E-Science Applications with Dynamic Optical
Networks: Secure Autonomous Response Networks", OSA Optical Fiber
Communication Conference and Exposition, 19-23 March 2017, Los Angeles,
California. https://doi.org/10.1364/OFC.2017.Tu3E.1
2016-c-14 |
Huan Zhou, Paul Martin, Jinshu Su, Cees de Laat and
Zhiming Zhao, "A Flexible Inter-locale Virtual Cloud For Nearly
Real-time Big Data Application", In IEEE Real Time System Symposium
(RTSS), International workshop on Interoperable infrastructures for
interdisciplinary big data sciences (IT4RIs), 2016. |
2016-c-13 |
Ralph Koning, Nick Buraglio, Cees de Laat, Paola
Grosso, "CoreFlow: Enriching Bro security events using network traffic
monitoring data", SC16 Salt Lake City, INDIS workshop, Nov 13, 2016.
2016-c-12 |
Yuri Demchenko, Christophe Blanchet, Charles Loomis,
Rob Branchat, Mathias Slawik, Ilke Zilci, Mohamed Bedri, Jean-Francois
Gibrat, Oleg Lodygensky, Miroslav Zivkovic, Cees de Laat, "CYCLONE: A
Platform for Data Intensive Scientific Applications in Heterogeneous
Multi-cloud/Multi-provider Environment", IEEE International Conference
on Cloud Engineering Workshop (IC2EW), 2016, pp 154-159 |
2016-c-11 |
Yuri Demchenko, Sonja Filiposka, Migiel de Vos,
Damir Regvart, Tasos Karaliotas, Paola Grosso, Cees de Laat, "ZeroTouch
Provisioning (ZTP) Model and Infrastructure Components for
Multi-provider Cloud Services Provisioning", IEEE International
Conference on Cloud Engineering Workshop (IC2EW), 2016, pp 184-189 |
2016-c-10 |
Souley Madougou, Ana Lucia Varbanescu, Cees de Laat,
Rob Van Nieuwpoort, "A Tool for Bottleneck Analysis and Performance
Prediction for GPU-accelerated Applications", (IPDPS) IEEE International
Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, 2016, pp
641-652. |
2016-c-9 |
S. Madougou, A.L. Varbanescu, C. de Laat , "Using
colored petri nets for GPGPU performance modeling", Proceedings of the
ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, May 16 - 18, 2016,
Como, Italy, pp 240-249 |
2016-c-8 |
Yuri Demchenko, Fatih Turkmen, Cees de Laat,
Christophe Blanchet, Charles Loomis, "Cloud based big data
infrastructure: Architectural components and automated provisioning",
International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation
(HPCS), 2016. |
2016-c-7 |
Ameneh Deljoo, Tom van Engers, Leon Gommans, Cees de
Laat, "Regulating Complex Adaptive Systems: Towards a Computational
Model for Simulating the Effects of Rules", short paper to "Complexity
and Law workshop" at CCS16 (The Conference on Complex Systems 2016), see
2016-c-6 |
Huan Zhou, Junchao Wang, Yang Hu, Jinshu Su, Paul
Martin, Cees de Laat and Zhiming Zhao, "Fast Resource Co-provisioning
for Time Critical Application Based on Networked Infrastructure", IEEE
International Conference on CLOUD (CLOUD) 2016, San Francisco US |
2016-c-5 |
Huan Zhou, Yang Hu, Junchao Wang, Paul Martin, Cees
de Laat and Zhiming Zhao, "Fast and dynamic resource provisioning for
quality critical cloud applications", In IEEE 19th Inter- national
Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC), pp. 92-99. IEEE,
2016-c-4 |
Daniel Romao, Cees de Laat, Paola Grosso, Gerben van
Malenstein, Hans Trompert, "Automated GOLE Dashboard: a monitoring
system for Bandwidth on Demand networks", Terena Networking Conference
(TNC2016) proceedings, Pragh (CZ), Jun 12-16, 2016. https://tnc16.geant.org/core/presentation/796
2016-c-3 |
Ameneh Deljoo, Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat, "The
Service Provider Group Framework.", position paper in Robert Ricci, Nick
Feamster et al, "Report of the NSF Workshop on Software Defined
Infrastructures and Software Defined Exchanges", proceedings of the SDI
Workshop 2016, Washington DC, February 2016, http://www.flux.utah.edu/beyond-internet-workshops/sdi/sdi-workshop-report.pdf
2016-c-2 |
Ralph Koning, Ben de Graaff, Cees de Laat, Robert
Meijer, Paola Grosso, "Interactive analysis of SDN-driven defence
against distributed denial of service attacks", The IEEE International
Workshop on Security in Virtualized Networks (Sec-VirtNet 2016) at the
2nd IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft 2016), Seoul Korea, June 10, 2016, pp 483-488.
2016-c-1 |
Ameneh Deljoo, Leon Gommans, Tom van Engers, Cees de
Laat, "An Agent-Based Framework for Multi-Domain service networks:
Eduroam case study", In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference
on Agents and Artificial Intelligence ICAART 2016 - Volume 1, pages
275-280. |
2015-c-7 |
Zhiming Zhao, Paul Martin, Paola Grosso, Wouter Los,
Cees de Laat, Keith Jeffrey, Alex Hardisty, Alex Vermeulen, Donatella
Castelli, Yannick Legre?, Werner Kutsch, "Reference Model Guided System
Design and Implementation for Interoperable Environmental Research
Infrastructures.", IEEE 11th International Conference on e-Science
(e-Science), 2015/8/3, pp 551-556 |
2015-c-6 |
Paul Martin, Paola Grosso, Barbara Magagna, Herbert
Schentz, Yin Chen, Alex Hardisty, Wouter Los, Keith Jeffery, Cees de
Laat, Zhsnelliming Zhao, "Open Information Linking for Environmental
Research Infrastructures.", IEEE 11th International Conference on
e-Science (e-Science), 2015/8/3, pp 513-520 |
2015-c-5 |
Robert Meijer, Reginald Cushing, Cees de Laat, Perry
Jackson, Sander Klous, Ralph Koning, Marc Makkes, Arthur Meerwijk,
"Car2x with software defined networks, network functions virtualization
and supercomputers technical and scientific preparations for the
Amsterdam Arena telecoms fieldlab.", International Conference on High
Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), 2015, pp 656-657, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=7237111
2015-c-4 |
Zhiming Zhao, Paul Martin, Junchao Wang, Arie Taal,
Andrew Jones, Ian Taylor, Vlado Stankovski, Ignacio Garcia Vega, George
Suciu, Alexandre Ulisses, Cees de Laat, "Developing and operating time
critical applications in clouds: the state of the art and the SWITCH
approach", Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Cloud Forward:
From Distributed to Complete Computing, Elsevier, Procedia Computer
Science, Volume 68, 2015, Pages 17-28 |
2015-c-3 |
Marc X Makkes, Ana Varbanescu, Cees de Laat, Robert
Meijer, "Fast packet forwarding engine based on software circuits",
Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Computing
Frontiers, May 18 - 21, 2015, Ischia, Italy. |
2015-c-2 |
Zhiming Zhao, Arie Taal, Andrew Jones, Ian Talyor,
Vlado Stankovski, Francisco Jesus Hidalgo, George Suciu, Pedro Ferreira
and Cees de Laat, "A software workbench for interactive, time critical
and highly self-adaptive cloud applications (SWITCH)", IEEE/ACM CCGrid
2015, 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid
Computing, May 4-7, 2015 -- Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. |
2015-c-1 |
A. L. Varbanescu, M. Verstraaten, C. de Laat, A.
Penders, A. Iosup, and H. Sips. Can portability improve performance? An
empirical study of parallel graph analytics. In ICPE, 2015. |
2014-c-11 |
S. Madougou, A.L. Varbanescu, C. de Laat, R van
Nieuwpoort, "An Empirical Evaluation of GPGPU Performance Models",
Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops, 165-176, 2014. |
2014-c-10 |
R. Cushing, A Belloum, M Bubak, C de Laat,
"Automata-Based Dynamic Data Processing for Clouds.", Euro-Par 2014:
Parallel Processing Workshops, 93-104, 2014. |
2014-c-9 |
Y. Demchenko, C. Ngo, C de Laat, C Lee, "Federated
Access Control in Heterogeneous Intercloud Environment: Basic Models and
Architecture Patterns", Cloud Engineering (IC2E), 2014 IEEE
International Conference on, 439-445 |
2014-c-8 |
Yuri Demchenko, Cees de Laat, Peter Membrey,
"Defining architecture components of the Big Data Ecosystem",
International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems
(CTS), 2014, IEEE, Pag 104-112 |
2014-c-7 |
Yuri Demchenko, Adam Belloum, David Bernstein and
Cees de Laat, "Experience of Profiling Curricula on Cloud Computing
Technologies and Engineering for Different Target Groups.", 2014 Data
Teaching Workshop, 1st IEEE STC CC and RDA Workshop on Curricula and
Teaching Methods in Cloud Computing, Big Data, and Data Science, as part
of CloudCom 2014 (http://2014.cloudcom.org/), Singapore, 15-18
December, 2014. |
2014-c-7 |
Yuri Demchenko, Canh Ngo, Cees de Laat, Peter
Membrey, Daniil Gordijenko, "Big Security for Big Data: Addressing
Security Challenges for the Big Data Infrastructure", 10th VLDB
Workshop, SDM 2013 Trento, Italy, August 30, 2013 Proceedings, pp 76-94. |
2014-c-6 |
Hao Zhu, Paola Grosso, Xiangke Liao, Cees de Laat,
"Evaluation of linear and non-linear machine learning approaches for
power estimation in a computing cluster.", proceedings of International
Green Computing Conference IGCC14. |
2014-c-5 |
Karel van der Veldt, Inder Monga, Jon Dugan, Paola
Grosso, Cees de Laat, "Carbon-aware path provisioning for NRENs.",
proceedings of International Green Computing Conference IGCC14. |
2014-c-4 |
C. Dumitru, A.M. Oprescu, M. Zivkovi, R. van der
Mei, P. Grosso, C. de Laat, "A queueing theory approach to pareto
optimal bags-of-tasks scheduling on clouds", Euro-Par 2014 Parallel
Processing, 162-173. |
2014-c-3 |
Marc X Makkes, Ana-Maria Oprescu, Rudolf Strijkers,
Cees de Laat, Robert Meijer, "MeTRO: Low Latency Network Paths with
Routers-on-Demand", Euro-Par 2013: Parallel Processing Workshops,
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 333-342, 2014/1/1, pp 333-342. |
2014-c-2 |
Marc X. Makkes, Reginald Cushing, Ana-Maria Oprescu,
Ralph Koning, Paola Grosso, Robert Meijer, Cees de Laat, "Smart Cyber
Infrastructure for Big Data processing", Optical Fiber Communication
Conference 2014, Tu3I. 3.
2014-c-1 |
Karel van der Veldt, Paola Grosso, Cees de Laat,
Sowmya Balasubramanian, Jon Dugan, Inder Monga, "Green Paths: Reducing
the carbon footprint of networking infrastructure", Terena Networking
Conference (TNC2014) proceedings, Dublin (IR), May 19-22, 2014. <https://tnc2014.terena.org/core/presentation/>
2013-c-15 |
Y. Demchenko, J. Van Der Ham, C. Ngo, C. de Laat, T.
Matselyukh, E. Escalona, S. Filiposka, "Open Cloud eXchange (OCX):
Architecture and Functional Components", Cloud Computing Technology and
Science (CloudCom), 2013 IEEE 5th International Conference on , vol.2,
no., pp.81,87, 2-5 Dec. 2013 |
2013-c-14 |
Alexandru-Florian Antonescu, Yuri Demchenko, Cees de
Laat, Torsten Braun, "Dynamic Optimization of SLA-Based Services
Scaling Rules.", IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing
Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2013, Vol 1, Page 282-289. |
2013-c-13 |
Ana-Maria Oprescu, Alexandru-Florian Antonescu, Yuri
Demchenko, Cees de Laat, "ICOMF: Towards a multi-cloud ecosystem for
dynamic resource composition and scaling.", IEEE 5th International
Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2013,
Vol 1, Page 49-55. |
2013-c-12 |
Yuri Demchenko, David Bernstein, Adam Belloum, Ana
Oprescu, Tomasz W Wlodarczyk, Cees de Laat, "New Instructional Models
for Building Effective Curricula on Cloud Computing Technologies and
Engineering", IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing
Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2013, Volume 2, Pag 112-119. |
2013-c-11 |
W. Jiang, Z. Zhao, C. de Laat, "An Autonomous
Security Storage Solution for Data-Intensive Cooperative Cloud
Computing", IEEE 9th International Conference on eScience (eScience),
2013, pag. 369-372 |
2013-c-10 |
R. Cushing, M. Bubak, A. Belloum, C. de Laat,
"Beyond Scientific Workflows: Networked Open Processes", IEEE 9th
International Conference on eScience (eScience), 2013, pag. 357-364 |
2013-c-9 |
Wenchao Jiang, Zhiming Zhao, Adianto Wibisono, Paola
Grosso, Cees de Laat, "Dynamic Workflow Planning on Programmable
Infrastructure", IEEE Eighth International Conference on Networking,
Architecture and Storage (NAS), 2013, Pag. 326-330 |
2013-c-8 |
Ana-Maria Oprescu, Paola Grosso, Pedro
Bello-Maldonado, Yuri Demchenko, Cees de Laat, "BigDataBus: Towards a
Big Data Aggregation and Exchange Platform for eScience", Proceedings of
the Cracow '13 Grid Workshop, November 4-6, 2013, Krakow, Poland, page
97-99, Oct 2013, ISBN 978-83-61433-08-8. |
2013-c-7 |
Hao Zhu, Karel van der Veldt, Paola Grosso, X. Liao,
Cees de Laat, "EKB: semantic information system for energy-aware
monitoring in distributed infrastructures.", In 2013 IEEE Third
International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing (pp. 60-67).
Karlsruhe, Germany, IEEE, 2013. |
2013-c-6 |
Rudolf Strijkers, Reginald Cushing, Marc X. Makkes,
Pieter Meulenhoff, Adam Belloum, Cees de Laat and Robert Meijer,
"Towards an Operating System for Intercloud. ", NetCloud 2013 : The 3rd
workshop on Network Infrastructure Services in conjunction with the 5th
IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science,
2-5 dec 2013, Bristol(UK). |
2013-c-5 |
Marc X. Makkes, Canh Ngo, Yuri Demchenko, Rudolf
Strijkers, Robert Meijer, Cees de Laat, "Defining Intercloud Federation
Framework for Multi-provider Cloud Services Integration. ", The Forth
International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization,
2013 Valencia Spain. Award: Best Paper!
2013-c-4 |
Canh Ngo, Marc Makkes, Yuri Demchenko, Cees de Laat,
"Multi-data-types Interval Decision Diagrams for XACML Evaluation
Engine.', PST2013 International Conference on Privacy, Security and
Trust (PST), Tarragona, Catalonia, July 10-12, 2013. |
2013-c-3 |
Cosmin Dumitru, Zhiming Zhao, Paola Grosso, Cees de
Laat, "HybridFlow: Towards Intelligent Video Delivery and Processing
Over Hybrid Infrastructures", The 2013 International Conference on
Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2013), May 20-24, 2013, San
Diego, California, USA. |
2013-c-2 |
Yuri Demchenko, Peter Membrey, Paola Grosso, Cees de
Laat, "Addressing Big Data Issues in Scientific Data Infrastructure",
First International Symposium on Big Data and Data Analytics in
Collaboration (BDDAC 2013). Part of The 2013 International Conference on
Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2013), May 20-24, 2013, San
Diego, California, USA. |
2013-c-1 |
Naod Duga Jebessa, Guido van 't Noordende, Cees de
Laat, "Towards Purpose-Driven Virtual Machines", Proceedings of
Engineering Secure Software and Systems Doctoral Symposium 2013, Paris
(Rocquencourt), France, February 2013. |
2012-c-14 |
Yuri Demchenko, Marc X Makkes, Rudolf Strijkers,
Cees de Laat, "Intercloud Architecture for interoperability and
integration", IEEE 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing
Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2012, pp. 666-674, December 2013. |
2012-c-13 |
Yuri Demchenko, Zhiming Zhao, Paola Grosso, Adianto
Wibisono, Cees de Laat, "Addressing Big Data Challenges for Scientific
Data Infrastructure.", The 4th IEEE Conf. on Cloud Computing
Technologies and Science (CloudCom2012), 3 - 6 December 2012, Taipei,
Taiwan, pages 614-617. |
2012-c-12 |
Y. Demchenko, Z. Zhao, P. Grosso, A. Wibisono, C. de
Laat, "Big Data Challenges for e-Science Infrastructure.", COINFO2012.
24-26 November 2012, Nanjing, China. |
2012-c-11 |
Zhiming Zhao, Jeroen van der Ham, Arie Taal, Ralph
Koning, Cosmin Dumitru, Paola Grosso and Cees de Laat, "Planning data
intensive workflows on inter-domain resources using the Network Service
Interface (NSI)", The 7th Workshop on Workflows in Support of
Large-Scale Science (WORKS12), Monday November 12, in conjunction with
SC 2012, Salt Lake City, November 10-16, 2012. |
2012-c-10 |
Dimitar Pavlov, Joris Soert, Paola Grosso, Zhiming
Zhao, Karel van der Veldt, Hao Zhu and Cees de Laat, "Towards energy
efficient data intensive computing using IEEE 802.3az", The 2012
International Workshop on Data-Intensive Scalable Computing Systems
(DISCS-2012) in conjunction with the 2012 ACM/IEEE Supercomputing
Conference (SC'12), http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6495894, November 16th, 2012.
2012-c-9 |
Canh Ngo, Yuri Demchenko, Cees de Laat, "Toward a
Dynamic Trust Establishment Approach for Multi-provider Intercloud
Environment", 4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing
Technology and Science, December 3-6, Taipei, Taiwan, pages 532-538. |
2012-c-8 |
Hao Zhu, Karel van der Veldt, Paola Grosso, Zhiming
Zhao, Xiangke Liao, Cees de Laat, "Energy Aware Semantic Modeling in
Large Scale Infrastructure", The 2012 IEEE International Conference on
Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom-2012), November 20-23,
2012, Besancon, France. |
2012-c-7 |
Chariklis Pittaras, Mattijs Ghijsen, Wibisono
Adianto, Paola Grosso and Jeroen van der Ham and Cees de Laat, "Semantic
Distributed Resource Discovery for Multiple Resource Providers.", In:
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge
and Grids (SKG2012). |
2012-c-6 |
Yuri Demchenko, Canh Ngo, Pedro Martinez-Julia,
Elena Torroglosa, Mary Grammatikou, Jordi Jofre, Steluta Gheorghiu, Joan
A. Garcia-Espin, Antonio D. Perez-Morales, Cees de Laat, "GEMBus based
Services Composition Platform for Cloud PaaS", proceedings of ESOCC 2012
European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing19-21
September 2012, Bertinoro, Italy. |
2012-c-5 |
Yuri Demchenko, Canh Ngo, Marc X. Makkes, Rudolf
Strijkers, Cees de Laat, "Defining InterCloud Architecture for
Interoperability and Integration.", The Third International Conference
on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization (CLOUD COMPUTING 2012),
July 22-27, 2012, Nice, France. ISBN: 978-1-61208-216-5. Award: Best Paper!
2012-c-4 |
C.Ngo, P. Membrey, Y.Demchenko, C. de Laat, "Policy
and Context Management in Dynamically Provisioned Access Control Service
for Virtualised Cloud Infrastructures." The 7th International
Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (AReS 2012), 20-24
August 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. |
2012-c-3 |
Membrey, P., K.C.C.Chan, C.Ngo, Y.Demchenko, C. de
Laat, "Trusted Virtual Infrastructure Bootstrapping for On Demand
Services.", The 7th International Conference on Availability,
Reliability and Security (AReS 2012), 20-24 August 2012, Prague, Czech
Republic. |
2012-c-2 |
A. Tzanakaki, M.P. Anastasopoulos, K. Georgakilas,
J.A. Garcia-Espin, J. Ferrer Riera, S. Figuerola, M. Ghijsen, Y.
Demchenko, C.T.A.M. de Laat, P. Vicat-Blanc, S. Soudan, F. Anhalt, S.
Peng, E. Escalona, R. Nejabati, D. Simeonidou, "Virtual Infrastructure
Planning: The GEYSERS Approach", FNMS, 4-6 July 2012, Berlin, Germany. |
2012-c-1 |
Mattijs Ghijsen, Jeroen van der Ham, Paola Grosso
and Cees de Laat, "Towards an Infrastructure Description Language for
Modeling Computing Infrastructures", The 10th IEEE International
Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications,
Madrid, 10-13 July 2012, ISPA 2012, pages 207 - 214,
10.1109/ISPA.2012.35 |
2011-c-20 |
Qingwen Chen, Paola Grosso, Karel van der Veldt,
Cees de Laat, Rutger Hofman, Henri Bal, "Profiling Energy Consumption of
VMs for Green Cloud Computing", Ninth International Conference on
Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC), Sydney, NSW,
Australia, 12-14 Dec. 2011, IEEE Xplore, DOI: 10.1109/DASC.2011.131. |
2011-c-19 |
Yuri Demchenko, Rudolf Strijkers, Canh Ngo, Mihai
Cristea, Matthijs Ghijsen, C.T.A.M. de Laat, "Defining Inter-Cloud
Architecture". In Proc. 3rd IEEE Conf. on Cloud Computing Technologies
and Science (poster papers). IEEE CPS, 2011. |
2011-c-18 |
C. Ngo, Y. Demchenko, C.T.A.M. de Laat, M.
Grammatikou, P.M. Julia, A.D.P. Morales, D.R. Lopez, "ESB based Services
Composition platform for Cloud PaaS.", In Proc. 3rd IEEE Conf. on Cloud
Computing Technologies and Science (poster papers). IEEE CPS, (2011). |
2011-c-17 |
Z. Zhao, A. Taal, P. Grosso, C. de Laat, "Resource
discovery in large scale network infrastructure". In the Sixth IEEE
international conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage",
Dalian China: IEEE Conference Publishing Services, pp. 186-190, 2011 |
2011-c-16 |
Y. Demchenko and C.T.A.M. de Laat, "Defining Generic
Architecture for Cloud IaaS Provisioning model". In Proceedings of
Science PoS (ISGC 2011 & OGF 31) 115. |
2011-c-15 |
Eduard Escalona, Shuping Peng, Reza Nejabati,
Dimitra Simeonidou, Joan A Garcia-Espin, Jordi Ferrer, Sergi Figuerola,
Giada Landi, Nicola Ciulli, Javier Jimenez, Bartosz Belter, Yuri
Demchenko, Cees de Laat, Xiaomin Chen, Admela Yukan, Sebastien Soudan,
Pascale Vicat-Blanc, Jens Buysse, Marc De Leenheer, Chris Develder, Anna
Tzanakaki, Philip Robinson, Marc Brogle, T Michael Bohnert, "GEYSERS : a
novel architecture for virtualization and co-provisioning of dynamic
optical networks and IT services.", Future Network and Mobile Summit
2011 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 9781905824236, June 15-17 2011. |
2011-c-14 |
Rudolf Strijkers, Reginald Cushing, Dmitry Vasyunin,
Cees de Laat, Adam S.Z. Belloum, Robert Meijer, "Toward Executable
Scientific Publications, " in International Conference on Computational
Science, ICCS 2011, Singapore: Procedia Computer Science, vol. 4, pp.
707-715, 2011 |
2011-c-13 |
Canh Ngo, Peter Membrey, Yuri Demchenko and Cees de
Laat, "Security Framework for Virtualised Infrastructure Services
Provisioned On-demand", NetCloud 2011 Workshop, proceedings of IEEE
CloudCom 2011, Athens, Greece, Nov 29 - Dec 1, 2011, pp. 698-704. |
2011-c-12 |
Yuri Demchenko, Canh Ngo, Cees de Laat, Tomasz
Wlodarczyk, Chunming Rong and Wolfgang Ziegler, "Security Infrastructure
for On-demand Provisioned Cloud Infrastructure Services", IEEE
International Conference and Workshops on Cloud Computing Technology and
Science, IEEE CloudCom 2011, Athens, Greece, Nov 29 - Dec 1, 2011. |
2011-c-11 |
Matthijs R. Koot, Guido van 't Noordende, Michiel
Mandjes, Cees de Laat, "Efficient Probabilistic Estimation of
Quasi-Identifier Uniqueness", ICT.OPEN ASCI-IPA-SIKS 2011 Conference
proceedings, Veldhoven (NL), 11-12 Nov 2011. |
2011-c-10 |
Qingwen Chen, Paola Grosso, Karel van der Veldt,
Cees de Laat, Rutger Hofman, Henri Bal, "Towards an energy-aware
scheduler for GreenClouds", 2011 Ninth IEEE International Conference on
Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC 2011), Cloud and Green
Computing CGC2011, IEEE Conference Proceedings, Sydney Australia, 12-14
December 2011. |
2011-c-9 |
A. Taal, P. Grosso, J. van der Ham, C. de Laat,
"Path Finding Strategies for Multi-Domain Multi-Layer Network
Architectures", Cracow '10 Grid Workshop, Oct 11-13, 2010, Proceedings
published in March 2011, ISBN 978-83-61433-03-3. |
2011-c-8 |
Cosmin Dumitru, Ralph Koning, Cees de Laat,
"ClearStream: Prototyping 40 Gbps Transparent End-to-End Connectivity",
Terena Networking Conference (TNC2011) proceedings, Prague (CZ), May 17,
2011. <https://tnc2011.terena.org/core/presentation/90>
2011-c-7 |
A. Tzanakaki, M. Anastasopoulos, K. Georgakilas, J.
Buysse, M. De Leenheer, C. Develder, S. Peng, R. Nejabati, E. Escalona,
D. Simeonidou, N. Ciulli, G. Landi, M. Brogle, A. Manfredi, E. Lopez, J.
Ferrer Riera, J. A. Garciia-Espiin, P. Donaldio, G. Parladori, J.
Jimenez, A. Tovar De Duenyas, P. Vicat-Blanc, J. van der Ham, C. de
Laat, M. Ghijsen, B. Belter, A. Binczewski, M. Antoniak-Lewandowska,
"Energy efficiency considerations in integrated IT and optical network
resilient infrastructures", invited paper at GOC workshop, ICTON 2011,
Stockholm, Sweden, June 2011. |
2011-c-6 |
Anna Tzanakaki, Markos Anastasopoulos, Konstantinos
Georgakilas, Jens Buysse, Marc De Leenheer, Chris Develder, Shuping
Peng, Reza Nejabati, Eduard Escalona, Dimitra Simeonidou, Nicola Ciulli,
Giada Landi, Marc Brogle, Alessandro Manfredi, Ester Lopez, Jordi
Ferrer Riera, Joan A. Garcia-Espin, Sergi Figuerola, Pasquale Donadio,
Giorgio Parladori, Javier Jimenez, Alejandro Tovar De Duenyas, Pascal
Vicat-Blanc, Jeroen van der Ham, Cees de Laat, Mattijs Ghijsen, Bartosz
Belter, Artur Binczewski, Monika Antoniak-Lewandowska, "Power
Considerations for ICT Sustainability: the GEYSERS Approach",
proceedings of 4th Future Internet Cluster Workshop, Budagest, May 2011. |
2011-c-5 |
Demchenko, Y., C. Ngo, C. de Laat, "Access Control
Infrastructure for On-Demand Provisioned Virtualised Infrastructure
Services", International Symposium on Security in Collaboration
Technologies and Systems (SECOTS2011), Part of CTS2011 Conference, 23-27
May 2011, Philadelphia, USA. |
2011-c-4 |
Demchenko, Y., J. van der Ham, M. Ghijsen, M.
Cristea, V. Yakovenko, C. de Laat, "On-Demand Provisioning of Cloud and
Grid based Infrastructure Services for Collaborative Projects and
Groups", The 2011 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies
and Systems (CTS 2011), May 23-27, 2011, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
USA. |
2011-c-3 |
Y. Demchenko, C. de Laat, A. Mavrin, "Defining
generic architecture for Cloud IaaS provisioning model", In F. Leymann,
I. Ivanov, M. van Sinderen, B. Shishkov (Eds.), CLOSER 2011: Proceedings
of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services
Science, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, 7-9 May, 2011 (pp. 79-85),
SciTePress. |
2011-c-2 |
Leonidas Lymberopoulos, Paola Grosso, Chrysa
Papagianni, Dimitrios Kalogeras, Georgios Androulidakis, Jeroen van der
Ham, Cees de Laat and Vasilis Maglaris, "Managing Federations of
Virtualized Infrastructures: A Semantic-Aware Policy Based Approach.",
presented in the third IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Management of
the Future Internet (ManFI 2011), published in IEEE XPlore, Dublin,
Ireland, May 27, 2011 |
2011-c-1 |
Jeroen van der Ham, Paola Grosso, Cees de Laat,
"Science Applications on the SURFnet RE Network", in Optical Fiber
Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC) and National Fiber Optic
Engineers Conference (NFOEC) (Optical Society of America, Washington,
DC, 2011), NThD5. ISBN: 978-1-55752-906-0 |
2010-c-10 |
Matias, J., E. Jacob, Y. Demchenko, C. de Laat, L.
Gommans, "Extending AAA Operational Model for Profile-based Access
Control in Ethernet-based Neutral Access Networks", Proc.The First
International Conferences on Access Networks, Services and Technologies
(ACCESS 2010), September 20-25, 2010, Valencia, Spain. Pp. 168-173. |
2010-c-9 |
Rudolf Strijkers, Mihai Cristea, Cees de Laat,
Robert Meijer, "Application Framework for Programmable Network Control, "
in 1st International Workshop on Network Embedded Management &
Applications (NEMA) Niagara Falls, Canada: Springer, 2010, pp. 37-52. |
2010-c-8 |
Zhiming Zhao, Paola Grosso, Ralph Koning, Jeroen van
der Ham, Cees de Laat, "Network resource selection for data transfer
processes in scientific workflow", in: Workflows in Support of
Large-Scale Science (WORKS10), New Orleans in conjunction with
Supercomputing 10, 14th November. <Ref To Be Comleted> |
2010-c-7 |
Fred Wan, Paola Grosso and Cees de Laat,
"Interoperability of lightpath provisioning systems in a multi-domain
testbed", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference Testbeds and
Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and
Communities, TridentCom2010, May2010. |
2010-c-6 |
Yuri Demchenko, Diego R. Lopez, Joan A.
Garcia-Espin, Cees de Laat, "Security Services Lifecycle Management in
On-Demand Infrastructure Services Provisioning", International Workshop
on Cloud Privacy, Security, Risk & Trust (CPSRT 2010), in
conjunction with the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cloud
Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2010), Indiana University
(USA), http://2010.cloudcom.org/ |
2010-c-5 |
Rudolf Strijkers, Willem Toorop, Alain van Hoof,
Paola Grosso, Adam Belloum, Dmitry Vasuining, Cees de Laat, Robert
Meijer, "AMOS: Using the Cloud for On-Demand Execution of e-Science
Applications, " in IEEE e-Science 2010 Brisbane, Australia: IEEE
Computer Society, 2010. |
2010-c-4 |
Zhiming Zhao, Paola Grosso, Ralph Koning, Jeroen van
der Ham, Cees de Laat, "An architecture including network QoS in
scientific workflows", Proceedings of Int'l Conf. on Grid and Cloud
Computing (GCC 2010), November 1-5, 2010, Nanjing, China, IEEE Xplore
digital library. |
2010-c-3 |
Zhiming Zhao, Paola Grosso, Ralph Koning, Jeroen van
der Ham, Cees de Laat, "An agent based planner for including network
QoS in scientific workflows", Int'l workshop on Agent Based Computing:
from Model to Implementation VII (ABC:MI'10), October 18-20, 2010, in
Wisla, Poland, ISSN 1896-7094, IEEE Xplore digital library. |
2010-c-2 |
Matthijs R. Koot, Guido van 't Noordende, Cees de
Laat, "A Study on the Re-Identifiability of Dutch Citizens", 3rd Hot
Topics in Privacy Enhancing Technologies (HotPETs 2010), PETS workshop,
Berlin, Germany, July 21 - 23, 2010, http://petsymposium.org/2010/. |
2010-c-1 |
Rudolf Strijkers, Mihai Cristea, Vladimir Korkhov,
Damien Marchal, Adam Belloum, Cees de Laat, Robert Meijer, "Network
Resource Control for Grid Workflow Management Systems", the proceedings
of the IEEE SERVICES 2010, SERVICES2010-4066, IEEE Computer Society,
july 2010 |
2009-c-7 |
Jason Maassen, Kees Verstoep, Henri E. Bal, Paola
Grosso and Cees de Laat, "Assessing the Impact of Future Reconfigurable
Optical Networks on Application Performance", Sixth High-Performance
Grid Computing Workshop in conjunction with International Parallel and
Distributed Processing Symposium - IPDPS 2009, May 25-29, 2009, Rome,
Italy |
2009-c-6 |
Yuri Demchenko, Cees de Laat, Thierry Denys,
Christian Toinard, "Authorisation session management in on-demand
resource provisioning in collaborative applications", Proceedings of the
2009 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems,
ISBN:978-1-4244-4584-4, 2009, pages 201-208 |
2009-c-5 |
Yuri Demchenko, Mihai Cristea, Cees de Laat,
Evangelos Haleplidis, "Authorisation Infrastructure for On-Demand Grid
and Network Resource Provisioning.", GridNets2009 conference, Athens,
Greece, 8-9 September 2009. |
2009-c-4 |
Yuri Demchenko, Mihai Cristea, Cees de Laat, "XACML
Policy Profile for Multidomain Network Resource Provisioning and
Supporting Authorisation Infrastructure", proceedings of the IEEE
International Symposium on Policies for Distributed Systems and
Networks, Policy 2009, july 2009. |
2009-c-3 |
Rudolf Strijkers, Laurence Muller, Mihai Cristea,
Robert Belleman, Cees de Laat, Peter Sloot, Robert Meijer, "Interactive
Control over a Programmable Computer Network Using a Multi-touch
Surface", ICCS 2009, Part II, LNCS 5545, pp. 719-728, 2009. |
2009-c-2 |
M. Cristea, R. Strijkers, D. Marchal, L. Gommans, R.
Meijer, C. de Laat., "Supporting Communities in Programmable Grid
Networks: gTBN", proceedings of the FIP/IEEE International Symposium on
Integrated Network Management, 2009, page 406 - 413 |
2009-c-1 |
Li Xu, Freek Dijkstra, Damien Marchal, Arie Taal,
Paola Grosso, Cees de Laat, "A Declarative Approach to Multi-Layer Path
Finding Based on Semantic Network Descriptions", ONDM 2009 - 13th
Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling, IFIP conference
proceedings, ISBN 978-1-4244-4187-7, 2009. |
2008-c-5 |
Y. Demchenko, C. de Laat, O. Koeroo, D. Groep,
"Re-thinking Grid Security Architecture" eScience '08. IEEE Fourth
International Conference on eScience, 2008, pp.79-86, 7-12 Dec. 2008,
ISBN 978-1-4244-3380-3 |
2008-c-4 |
Yuri Demchenko, Oscar Koeroo, Cees de Laat, Hakon
Sagehaug, "Extending XACML authorisation model to support policy
obligations handling in distributed application", Proceedings of the 6th
international workshop on Middleware for grid computing table of
contents", Leuven, Belgium Article No. 5, ISBN:978-1-60558-365-5, 2008 |
2008-c-3 |
Yuri Demchenko, Fred Wan, Mihai Cristea, Cees de
Laat, "Authorisation Infrastructure for On-Demand Network Resource
Provisioning", Proc. 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid
Computing Grid2008, Sept 29 - Oct 1, 2008, Tsukuba, Japan, page 95-103 |
2008-c-2 |
Guido J. van 't Noordende, Silvia D. Olabarriaga,
Matthijs R. Koot, Cees Th.A.M. de Laat, "A Trusted Data Storage
Infrastructure for Grid-based Medical Applications", Proc. Eighth IEEE
International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2008),
Lyon, France, pp. 627-632. |
2008-c-1 |
Y. Demchenko and L. Gommans and C.T.A.M. de Laat,
"Extending role based access control model for distributed multidomain
applications", IFIP International Federation for Information Processing,
2008, Volume 232, pages 301-312. |
2007-c-14 |
Adianto Wibisono, Dmitry Vasyunin, Vladimir Korkhov,
Zhiming Zhao, Adam Belloum, Cees de Laat, Pieter Adriaans, Bob
Hertzberger, "Ws-vlam: A gt4 based workflow management system.",
Computational Science?ICCS 2007, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 191-198 |
2007-c-13 |
Zhiming Zhao, A. Belloum, C. de Laat, P. Adriaans,
L.O. Hertzberger, "Distributed execution of aggregated multi domain
workflows using an agent framework", 2007 IEEE Congress on Services,
Salt Lake City, UT, 9-13 July 2007, ISBN: 978-0-7695-2926-4, page 183 -
190 |
2007-c-12 |
Paola Grosso, Jan-Philip Velders, Li Xu, Cees de
Laat, "StarPlane: an Application Controlled Photonic Network", 17th
eChallenges e-2007 Conference (e2007), 24 - 26 October 2007, The Hague,
The Netherlands, Expanding the Knowledge Economy, ISSN 1574-1230, page
1476-1481 |
2007-c-11 |
Paola Grosso, Jeroen van der Ham, Freek Dijkstra,
Cees de Laat, "Semantic Models for Optical Hybrid Networks; Lightpaths
Across Domain Boundaries", 17th eChallenges e-2007 Conference (e2007),
24 - 26 October 2007, The Hague, The Netherlands, Conference record,
Expanding the Knowledge Economy, ISSN 1574-1230, page 1468-1475 |
2007-c-10 |
Paola Grosso, Freek Dijkstra, Jeroen van der Ham,
Cees de Laat, "Network Description Language; Semantic Web For Hybrid
Networks", Proceedings of TNC2007. |
2007-c-9 |
Freek Dijkstra, Bas van Oudenaarde, Bert Andree,
Leon Gommans, Paola Grosso, Jeroen van der Ham, Karst Koymans and Cees
de Laat, "A Terminology for Control Models at Optical Exchanges", LCNS,
Volume 4543, july 2007, Page 49-60 |
2007-c-8 |
Jeroen van der Ham, Paola Grosso, Ronald van der
Pol, Andree Toonk, Cees de Laat, "Using the Network Description Language
in Optical Networks", Proceedings of the 13th annual conference of the
Advanced School for Computing and Imaging, Heijen, The Netherlands, june
13-15, 2007. |
2007-c-7 |
Cees de Laat, Paola Grosso, "Lambda Grid developments,
History - Present - Future", Lighting the Blue Touchpaper for UK
e-Science - Closing Conference of ESLEA Project, Proceeding of Science,
june 2007. Link to paper: http://pos.sissa.it//archive/conferences/041/027/ESLEA_027.pdf
2007-c-6 |
Yuri Demchenko, Frank Siebenlist, Leon Gommans, Cees
de Laat, David Groep, Oscar Koeroo, "Security and Dynamics in Customer
Controlled Virtual Workspace Organisation", Proceedings of the 16th
international symposium on High performance distributed computing,
Monterey Bay California, June 2007, page 231 - 232 |
2007-c-5 |
Yuri Demchenko, Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat,
"Extending User-Controlled Security Domain with TPM/TCG in Grid-based
Virtual Collaborative Environment", In Proceedings The 2007
International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS
2007), May 21-25, 2007, Orlando, FL, USA. ISBN: 0-9785699-1-1. |
2007-c-4 |
Zhiming Zhao, Adam Belloum, Cees de Laat, Pieter
Adriaans, L.O. Hertzberger, "Using Jade agent framework to prototype an
e-Science workflow bus", Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Cluster
Computing and the Grid and Workshops (CCGrid 2007), 14-17 May 2007, Rio
de Janeiro Brazil, proceedings, ISBN: 0-7695-2833-3, page 655-660. |
2007-c-3 |
V. Korkhov, D. Vasunin, A. Wibisono, V.
Guevara-Masis, A. Belloum, C. de Laat, P. Adriaans and L.O. Hertzberger,
WS-VLAM: Towards a scalable workflow system on the Grid, Proceeding of
the 16th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed
Computing, June 27-29, 2007, Monterey Bay, California, USA |
2007-c-2 |
Demchenko Y., L. Gommans, C. de Laat, "Using SAML
and XACML for Complex Authorisation Scenarios in Dynamic Resource
Provisioning", The Second International Conference on Availability,
Reliability and Security (ARES 2007), Vienna, April 2007, proceedings,
page 254-262. |
2007-c-1 |
Jeroen van der Ham, Paola Grosso, Ronald van der
Pol, Andree Toonk, Cees de Laat, "Using the Network Description Language
in Optical Networks", Tenth IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on
Integrated Management (IM 2007), 21-25 May 2007, Munich, Germany. May 21
2007, ISBN: 1-4244-0799-0, page 199-205 |
2006-c-10 |
Robert J. Meijer, Rudolf J. Strijkers, Leon Gommans,
Cees de Laat, "User Programmable Virtualized Networks" proceedings of
The 2nd IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing,
Amsterdam, Dec 2006, ISBN: 0-7695-2734-5, page 43 |
2006-c-9 |
Z. Zhao, S. Booms, A. Belloum, C. de Laat and L.O.
Hertzberger, "VLE-WFBus: a scientific workflow bus for multi e-Science
domains.", proceedings of The 2nd IEEE International Conference on
e-Science and Grid Computing, Amsterdam, Dec 2006, ISBN: 0-7695-2734-5,
page 11 |
2006-c-8 |
M.A. Inda, A.S.Z. Belloum, M. Roos, D. Vasunin, C.
de Laat, L.O. Hertzberger and T.M. Breit, Interactive workflows in a
Virtual Laboratory for e-Bioscience: the SigWin-detector tool for gene
expression analysis, Proc. Second IEEE International Conference on
e-Science and Grid Computing, Amsterdam, 2006, p. 19 |
2006-c-7 |
Yuri Demchenko, Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat, Rene van
Buuren, "Domain Based Access Control Model for Distributed
Collaborative Applications", proceedings of The 2nd IEEE International
Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, Amsterdam, Dec 2006, ISBN:
0-7695-2734-5, page 24 |
2006-c-6 |
Demchenko, Y., L. Gommans, C. de Laat, A. Taal, A.
Wan, O. Mulmo, "Using Workflow for Dynamic Security Context Management
in Complex Resource Provisioning", 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference
on Grid Computing (Grid2006), Barcelona, September 28-30, 2006. IEEE
Cat. No. 06EX1363C. ISBN: 1-4244-0344-8, pp.72-79. |
2006-c-5 |
Demchenko, Y., L. Gommans, C. de Laat, A. Tokmakoff,
R. van Buuren, "Policy Based Access Control in Dynamic Grid-based
Collaborative Environment", The 2006 International Symposium on
Collaborative Technologies and Systems, Las Vegas, May 14-18, 2006,
Proceedings. IEEE Computer Society. ISBN: 0-9785699-0-3, pp. 64-73. |
2006-c-4 |
Demchenko, Y., L. Gommans, C. de Laat, M.
Steenbakkers, V. Ciaschini, V. Venturi, "VO-based Dynamic Security
Associations in Collaborative Grid Environment", The 2006 International
Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, Las Vegas, May
14-18, 2006, IEEE Computer Society. IEEE Computer Society. ISBN:
0-7695-2387-0, pp. 38-47. |
2006-c-3 |
V.J. Guevara Masis, H.H. Yakali, A.S.Z. Belloum,
C.T.A.M. de Laat and L.O. Hertzberger, Improving automatic data
structure generation for e-science applications, Proceedings of the
Second International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking,
Applications and Worksharing, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006 |
2006-c-2 |
V. Guevara-Masis, H. Yakali, A. Belloum, C. de Laat
and L.O. Hertzberger, Improving automatic data structure generation for
e-science applications, Proc. 2nd IEEE International Conference on
Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications ans Worksharing
(CollaborateCom 2006), Atlanta, USA, November 2006 |
2006-c-1 |
Demchenko, Y., L. Gommans, C. de Laat, "Using VO
concept for managing dynamic security associations", in "Security and
Privacy in Dynamic Environments", proceedings of the IFIP TC-11 21st
International Information Security Conference (SEC2006), 22-24 May 2006,
Karlstad, Sweden. Springer. ISBN: 10: 0-387-33405-X, ISBN: 13:
9780-387-33405-X, pp. 377-388. |
2005-c-4 |
Yuri Demchenko, Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat, Bas
Oudenaarde, "Web Services and Grid Security Vulnerabilities and Threats
Analysis and Model", Proceedings of the "6th IEEE/ACM International
Workshop on Grid Computing", November 13-14, 2005. Seattle, Washington,
USA. - pp. 262-267. IEEE Cat. No. 05EX1210C, ISBN 0-7803-9493-3. |
2005-c-3 |
Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat, Robert Meijer, "Token
Based path authorization at Interconnection Points between Hybrid
Networks and a Lambda Grid", IEEE GRIDNETS2005 proceedings, ISBN
0-7803-9277-9. |
2005-c-2 |
Demchenko, Y., L. Gommans, C. de Laat, B.Oudenaarde,
A. Tokmakoff, M. Snijders, "Job-centric Security model for Open
Collaborative Environment", Proceedings 2005 International Symposium on
Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS2005 ), May 15-19, 2005,
Saint Louis, USA, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN: 0-7695-2387-0, Page
69-77. |
2005-c-1 |
Yuri Demchenko, Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat, Bas
Oudenaarde, Andrew Tokmakoff, Martin Snijders, Rene van Buuren,
"Security Architecture for Open Collaborative Environment", Advances in
Grid Computing - EGC 2005: European Grid Conference, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, February 14-16, 2005, Revised Selected Papers, LNCS,
Springer Verlag, Volume 3470, page 589, (2005) |
2004-c-3 |
Freek Dijkstra, Cees de Laat, "Optical Exchanges", GRIDNETS conference proceedings, oct 2004, http://www.broadnets.org/2004/workshop-papers/Gridnets/DijkstraF.pdf.
2004-c-2 |
Leon Gommans, Franco Travostino, John Vollbrecht, Cees
de Laat, Robert Meijer, "Token-based authorization of Connection
Oriented Network resources", GRIDNETS conference proceedings, oct 2004, http://www.broadnets.org/2004/workshop-papers/Gridnets/gommans.pdf.
2004-c-1 |
Wim Sjouw, Antony Antony, Johan Blom, Cees de Laat
and Jason Lee, "TCP behaviour on transatlantic Lambda's", Grid
Computing: First European Across Grids Conference, Santiago de
Compostela, Spain, February 1, 2004, LNCS, Springer Verlag, Volume
2970(2004)282-290. |
2003-c-1 |
Cees de Laat, Erik Radius, "High Performance
Networking for Grid Applications", Proceedings of the ninth annual
conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging, Heijen, The
Netherlands, june 4-6, 2003. |
1999-c-3 |
E.A. van der Meer, G. Kemmerling, M. Korten,
C.T.A.M. de Laat, W. Lourens and B.U. Niderost, "A Distributed Plasma
Physics Experiment System using CORBA", Proc. of the RT'99 Conf., Sante
Fe, New Mexico, USA, 9 June 1999. p.438. |
1999-c-2 |
C.T.A.M. de Laat, H. Blom, L. Gommans, M. Korten, W.
Lourens, E.A. van der Meer and B.U. Niderost, "The Significance of the
New Internet Standards for Collaboratories", Proc. of the RT'99 Conf.,
Sante Fe, New Mexico, USA, 9 June 1999. p.468. |
1999-c-1 |
B.U. Niderost, L. Gommans, G. Kemmerling, M. Korten,
C.T.A.M. de Laat, W. Lourens and E.A. van der Meer, "Objectivity/CORBA
Distributed Database Performance on a Gigabit Sun-ultra-10 Cluster",
Proc. of the RT'99 Conf., Sante Fe, New Mexico, USA, 9 June 1999. p.442. |
1996-c-2 |
R.J.M. Snellings, A. van den Brink, A.P. de Haas,
J.J.L.M. Habets, W. Hulsbergen, C.Th.A.M. de Laat, R. Kamermans, M.B.
Koopmans, P.G. Kuijer, C.J. Oskamp, R.W. Ostendorf, E.P. Prendergast, M.
Rossewij, C.J.W. Twenhofel and J.M. Voerman, "Hot and dense nuclear
matter", North-West Europe Nuclear Physics Conf., Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, 16-19 April 1996, Conf. Progr. p.114. |
1996-c-1 |
C.Th.A.M. de Laat, V. Giesing, P. Olthuis, P.G.
Kuijer and W. Lourens, "The SURFnet 4 ATM field test studies at the
physics laboratory, Utrecht and Nikhef, Amsterdam", North-West Europe
Nuclear Physics Conf., Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 16-19 April 1996.
Conf. Progr. p.47. |
1995-c-1 |
C.Th.A.M. de Laat, P.G. Kuijer, P. Olthuis and W.
Lourens, "A distributed data acquisition system by ATM networks - A
pilot study", Proc. of the 1995 IEEE Conf. on Real-Time Computer
Applications in Nuclear Particle and Plasma Physics, Michigan, USA,
24-28 May 1995. |
1994-c-1 |
J. Blom, C.Th.A.M. de Laat, P.G. Kuijer and W.
Lourens, "A fuzzy radon transform for track recognition", Proc. of the
Conf. on Computing in High Energy Physics CHEP '94, San Francisco, USA,
21-27 April 1994. 497-499. |
1993-c-1 |
C.T.A.M. de Laat and P. Kuijer, "Data acquisition
system for small to medium size experiments", RT93 Conf. Record of the
8th Conf. on Real-Time Computer Applications in Nuclear, Particle and
Plasma Physics, Vancouver, Canada, 8-11 June, 1993, 236. |
1992-c-3 |
F.Adimi, M.G.Khayat, H.Breuer, B.S.Flanders,
M.Khandaker, P.G.Roos, D.Zhang, Th.S. Bauer, J.Konijn, C.T.A.M.de Laat,
G.Kyle, S.Mukhopadhyay, M.Wang, R.Tacik, " Pion absorption in 4He.",
Spring meeting in Washington DC of the APS, April 20-24 1992, Bull. Am.
Phys. Soc. 37 (1992). |
1992-c-2 |
F. Adimi, M.G. Khayat, H. Breuer, B.S. Flanders, M.
Khandaker, P.G. Roos, D. Zhang, Th.S.Bauer, J. Konijn, C.T.A.M. de Laat,
G. Kyle, S. Mukhopadhyay, M. Wang and R. Tacik, "Pion absorption in
4He", Bull Am. Phys. Soc. 37 (1992). Spring meeting in Washington DC of
the APS, April 20-24, 1992. |
1992-c-1 |
C.T.A.M. de Laat, P. Kuijer and P. Mutsaers, "Data
acquisition system for small to medium size experiments", Conf. Proc. of
the 2nd Int. Workshop on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence
and Expert Systems for High Energy and Nuclear Physics, La
Londe-Les-Maures, France, 13-18 January 1992. World Scientific Publ. Co.
Pte. Ltd., Singapore. |
1991-c-1 |
C.T.A.M. de Laat, P. Kuijer and P. Mutsaers, "Data
acquisition system for small to medium size experiments", Conf. Record.
IEEE 7th Conf. Real Time '91, Juelich, Germany, 24-28 June 1991, 315. |
1990-c-2 |
W.Beer, M.Bogdan, R.Frosch, J.-F.Gilot,
P.F.A.Goudsmit, J.Konijn, J.Hartmann, C.T.A.M. de Laat, H.J.Leisi,
R.Meisinger, A.J.Rusi el Hassan, A.Taal, S.Thomann and W.Volken, "New
resonance phenomenon in pionic atoms: Strong 3d-width in pionic 24Mg",
Meeting at Geneve October 3-4 1990 of the Schweizerische Physikalische
Gesellschaft. |
1990-c-1 |
F.Adimi, M.Khayat, H.Breuer, B.Flanders,
M.Khandaker, P.G.Roos, D.Zhang, Th.S. Bauer, J.Konijn, C.T.A.M.de Laat,
G.Kyle, S.Mukhopadhyay, M.Wang, R.Tacik, "Multi-nucleon pion absorption
in 4He(?+, x...) reaction.", Spring meeting in Washington DC 1990 of the
APS, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 35 (1990) 945, B63 |
1989-c-1 |
J.F.M.d'Achard van Enschut, W.Bertl, P.David,
R.Engfer, H.Folger, J.Fuger, H.Hanscheid, J.Hartfiel, E.A.Hermes,
H.Janszen, T.Johansson, J.Konijn, T.Krogulski, C.T.A.M.de Laat,
T.Mayer-Kuckuk, W.Muller, R.von Mutius, J.Pauwels, C.Petitjean,
S.M.Polikanov, H.S.Pruys, H.W.Reist, F.Risse, Ch.F.G.Rosel,
L.A.Schaller, L.Schellenberg, W.Schrieder, A.Sinha, L.M.Simons, A.Taal,
J.P.Theobald, G.Tibell, N.Trautmann, D.Vermeulen and H.C.Walter, "Heavy
Muonic Atoms and the Dynamics of Nuclear Fission.", invited contribution
presented at International Conference "50th anniversery of nuclear
fission", Leningrad, USSR, Oct 16-20 1989 |
1989-c-1 |
J.F.M.d'Achard van Enschut, W.Bertl, P.David,
R.Engfer, H.Folger, J.Fuger, H.Hanscheid, J.Hartfiel, E.A.Hermes,
H.Janszen, T.Johansson, J.Konijn, T.Krogulski, C.T.A.M.de Laat,
T.Mayer-Kuckuk, W.Muller, R.von Mutius, J.Pauwels, C.Petitjean,
S.M.Polikanov, H.S.Pruys, H.W.Reist, F.Risse, Ch.F.G.Rosel,
L.A.Schaller, L.Schellenberg, W.Schrieder, A.Sinha, L.M.Simons, A.Taal,
J.P.Theobald, G.Tibell, N.Trautmann, D.Vermeulen and H.C.Walter, "Heavy
Muonic Atoms and the Dynamics of Nuclear Fission.", invited contribution
presented at Int.School - Seminar on Heavy Ion Physics, Dubna, USSR,
Oct 3-12 1989 |
1988-c-5 |
Th.S. Bauer, B.Boberg, H.Breuer, R. van Dantzig,
F.Geerling, R.Hamers, S.Hyman, J.Konijn, C.T.A.M.de Laat, Y.Lefevre,
E.W.A.Lingeman, C.Park, A.Taal, J.Visschers and R.Ykema, "Nucleon
Multiplicities after Pion Absorption on 16O" proceedings of the
conference on " Dynamics of Collective Phenomena in Nuclear and
Subnuclear Long Range Interactions in Nuclei" Bad Honnef, May 1987;
World Scientific 1988, Ed. P.David, p.331 |
1988-c-4 |
P.David, H.Hanscheid, J.Konijn, T.Krogulski,
C.T.A.M.de Laat, T.Mayer-Kuckuk, C.Petitjean, S.Polikanov, H.W.Reist,
F.Risse, Ch.Rosel, L.A.Schaller, L.Schellenberg, W.Schrieder, A.K.Sinha
and A.Taal, "Fission Probability of 237Np Measured with Muonic X-rays in
Coincidence with Prompt and Delayed Fission", proceedings of the
conference on " Dynamics of Collective Phenomena in Nuclear and
Subnuclear Long Range Interactions in Nuclei" Bad Honnef, May 1987;
World Scientific 1988, Ed. P.David, p.103 |
1988-c-3 |
J.Konijn, C.T.A.M.de Laat, A.Taal, A.van der Schaaf,
P.David, H.Hanscheid, F.Risse, Ch.F.G.Rosel, W.Schrieder, W. Lourens,
C.Petitjean, L.A.Schaller, L.Schellenberg and T.Krogulski, "Strong
interaction effects as observed in deeply bound pionic orbits"
proceedings of the conference on " Dynamics of Collective Phenomena in
Nuclear and Subnuclear Long Range Interactions in Nuclei" Bad Honnef,
May 1987; World Scientific 1988, Ed. P.David, p.342 |
1988-c-2 |
J.F.M.d'Achard van Enschut, W.Bertl, P.David,
R.Engfer, H.Folger, J.Fuger, H.Hanscheid, J.Hartfiel, E.A.Hermes,
H.Janszen, T.Johansson, J.Konijn, T.Krogulski, C.T.A.M.de Laat,
T.Mayer-Kuckuk, W.Muller, R.von Mutius, J.Pauwels, C.Petitjean,
S.M.Polikanov, H.S.Pruys, H.W.Reist, F.Risse, Ch.F.G.Rosel,
L.A.Schaller, L.Schellenberg, W.Schrieder, A.Sinha, L.M.Simons, A.Taal,
J.P.Theobald, G.Tibell, N.Trautmann and D.Vermeulen, " Heavy Muonic
Atoms and the Dynamics of Nuclear Fission.", XVIIIth International
Symposium on "Nuclear Physics - Physics and Chemistry of Fission" in
Gaussig/Dresden 1988, Teubner Texte zur Physik. B.SB B.G.Teubner
Verlagsges. Leipzig 1988 |
1988-c-1 |
P.David, H.Hanscheid, J.Konijn, T.Krogulski,
C.T.A.M.de Laat, T.Mayer-Kuckuk, C.Petitjean, S.Polikanov, H.W.Reist,
F.Risse, Ch.Rosel, L.A.Schaller, L.Schellenberg, W.Schrieder, A.K.Sinha
and A.Taal, "Fission Probability of 237Np Measured with Muonic X-rays in
Coincidence with Prompt and Delayed Fission", proceedings of the
conference on " Dynamics of Collective Phenomena in Nuclear and
Subnuclear Long Range Interactions in Nuclei", Bad Honnef, May 1987;
World Scientific 1988, Ed. P.David, p.103 |
Supervised Theses
2025-t-1 |
Jamila Alsayed Kassem MSc, "Programmable Infrastructures for Secure Healthcare", UvA, Jan 2025.
| 2024-t-4 | dr. Aya Fukami MSc, "Effective Mobile Forensics Through Exploiting the Memory Security", UvA, Nov 2024. |
dr. Sara Shakeri, "SecConNet - Smart and Secure Container Networks for Trusted Big Data Sharing", UvA, May 2024. |
dr. Michael Mesarcik, "Machine learning-based anomaly detection for radio telescopes", UvA, April 2024. |
dr. Xin Zhou, "From Empowering to Motivating;
Enhancing Policy Enforcement through Process Design and Incentive
Implementation", UvA, Feb 2024. |
dr. Ruyue Xin, "Towards Effective Performance Diagnosis for Distributed Applications", UvA, Nov 2023. |
dr. Zeshun Shi, "Enhancing Service-Level Agreements Using Decentralized Auctions and Witnesses", UvA, Nov 2022. |
dr. Lu Zhang, "A policy compliance detection architecture for data exchange infrastructures", UvA, Oct 2022. |
dr. Merijn Verstraaten, "Analysis and Predi!ion of GPU Graph Algori"m Performance", UvA, September 2022. |
dr. Dolly Sapra, "Efficient Neural Architectures for Edge Devices", UvA, June 2022. |
dr. Uraz Udyurt, "A Data-centric Approach towards
Identification and Prediction of Anomalies in Industrial Cyber-Physical
Systems", UvA, December 2021. |
dr. Giulio Stramondo, "Memory System Design for Application-Specific Hardware", UvA, April 2021. |
dr. Ameneh Deljoo, "Computational Trust Models for Collaborative Network Orchestration". UvA, Jan 2021. |
dr. Ralph Koning, "Automating Network Security", UvA, Feb 2020. |
dr. Huan Zhou, "Seamless Infrastructure Programming and Control for Quality-critical Cloud Applications", UvA, Oct 2019. |
dr. Yang Hu, "Resource Scheduling for Quality-Critical Applications on Cloud Infrastructure", UvA, Oct 2019. |
dr. Jun Xiao, "Improving Application Timing Predictability and Caching Performance on Multi-core Systems", UvA, Oct 2019. |
dr. Fahimeh Alizadeh Moghaddam, "Self-Adaptation for Energy Efficiency in Software Systems", UvA, Apr 2019. |
dr. Marc X. Makkes, "Virtual Internets", UvA, Feb 2018. |
dr. Canh Trong Ngo, "Access Control for On-demand Provisioned Cloud Infrastructure Services", UvA, Feb 2016. |
dr. Reginald Cushing, "Data-centric Computing on Distributed Resources", UvA, Nov 2015. |
dr. Hao Zhu, "Energy-aware Information Modeling and Management for e-Infrastructures", UvA, Oct 2015. |
dr. Wei Quan, "Scenario-based Run-time Adaptive Multi-Processor System-on-Chip", UvA, Sept 2015. |
dr. Leon Gommans, "Multi-Domain Authorization for e-Infrastructures", UvA, Dec 2014. |
dr. Rudolf Strijkers, "Internet Factories", UvA, Nov 2014. |
dr. Roberta Piscitelli, "Pruning Techniques for Multi-Objective System-Level Design Space Exploration", UvA, Sept 2014. |
dr. Steven Rieder, "The Clustered Universe", LU, Oct 2013. |
dr. Matthijs Koot, "Measuring and Predicting Anonymity", UvA, June 2012. |
dr. Jeroen van der Ham, "A Semantic model for Complex Computer networks; The Network Description Language", UvA, April 2010. |
dr. Freek Dijkstra, "Framework for Path Finding in Multi-Layer Transport Networks", UvA, June 2009. |
dr.ir. C.T.A.M.de Laat, "Strong and electromagnetic
interactions in heavy exotic atoms", Ph.D.Thesis, University of
Technology Delft, March 1988,
Book Chapters
| 2024-b-1 | Jamila
Alsayed Kassem, Corinne Allaart, Saba Amiri, Milen Kebede, Tim
Müller, Rosanne Turner, Adam Belloum, L. Thomas van Binsbergen, Peter
Grunwald, Aart van Halteren, Paola Grosso, Cees de Laat, and Sander
Klous, "Building a Digital Health Twin for Personalized Intervention:
The EPI Project", in Boudewijn R. Haverkort, Aldert de Jongste, Pieter
van Kuilenburg, and Ruben D. Vromans, "Commit2Data", OASIcs, Volume 124 |
2022-b-1 |
Y Demchenko, C de Laat, W Los, L Gommans, "Defining
Platform Research Infrastructure as a Service (PRIaaS) for Future
Scientific Data Infrastructure", in Designing Data Spaces, Springer,
Cham, 241-260 |
Matthijs Koot and Cees de Laat, "Privacy from an
Informatics Perspective", in The Handbook of Privacy Studies; an
Interdisciplinary Introduction, Edited by Bart van der Sloot and Aviva
de Groot, Amsterdam University Press, ISBN: 9789462988095
Jaap van den Herik and Cees de Laat, "The Future of
Ethical Decisions Made by Computers" in "The Art of Ethics in the
Information Society. Mind you", edited by Liisa Janssens, Amsterdam University Press, URI: http://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/32028
Cosmin Dumitru, Paola Grosso, Cees de Laat,
Cicero Inacio da Silva, Jane de Almeida, Thiago de Andre, "CineGrid:
Futuros Cinemáticos", São Paulo: Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão
Universitária - USP, 2016, |
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, Jingguo Ge, Junling
You, Tong Li, Cees de Laat, Paola Grosso, Te-Lung Liu, Mon-Yen Luo, Aki
Nakao, Paul Mller, Ronald van der Pol, Martin Reed, Michael Stanton,
Chu-Sing Yang, "Creating a Worldwide Network For The Global Environment
for Network Innovations (GENI) and Related Experimental Environments.", The GENI book: "GENI: Prototype of the Next Internet", Springer-Verlag, 2016.
Yuri Demchenko, Canh Ngo, Paola Grosso, Cees de Laat
and Peter Membrey, "Cloud-based Infrastructure for Data-Intensive
e-Science Applications: Requirements and Architecture", in Cloud
Computing with e-Science Applications edited by Olivier Terzo and
Lorenzo Mossucca, ISBN 978-1-4665-9115-8, page 17-40. |
Cosmin Dumitru, Paola Grosso, Cees de Laat, "CineGrid Amsterdam: Research Challenges and Solutions", CineGrid Brasil Book 2014. |
Anna Tzanakaki, Sergi Figuerola, Joan A Garca-Espin,
Dimitra Simeonidou, Nicola Ciulli, Philip Robinson, Juan Rodri?guez,
Giada Landi, Bartosz Belter, Pascale Vicat-Blanc, Matteo Biancani, Cees
de Laat, Eduard Escalona, Artur Binczewski, "The GEYSERS Concept and
Major Outcomes", LCNS, The Future Internet, pp 346-349, Jan 1 2013. |
Yuri Demchenko, Canh Ngo, Cees de Laat, Diego R
Lopez, Antonio Morales, Joan A Garc?a-Espan, "Security Infrastructure
for Dynamically Provisioned Cloud Infrastructure Services", Springer
journal Privacy and Security for Cloud Computing, 2013, Part 3, 167-210,
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-4189-1_5. |
Hans Dijkman, Cees de Laat, "Wolken boven het
wetenschappelijk bedrijf", in Trendrapport 2012 - "De bakens verzetten",
Wetenschappelijk Technische Raad (WTR-SURF), ISBN 978-90-78887-00-3, http://www.surf.nl/WTRtrendrapport2012
Zhiming Zhao, Paola Grosso, Jeroen van der Ham, Cees
Th. A.M. de Laat, "Quality Guaranteed Media Delivery over Advanced
Network", pages 121-146 in: Fortino, Giancarlo and Carlos E. Palau.
"Next Generation Content Delivery Infrastructures: Emerging Paradigms
and Technologies." IGI Global, 2012. 1-334. Web. 15 Jun. 2012.
doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-1794-0 |
Guido van 't Noordende, S.D. Olabarriaga, M.R. Koot,
C.T.A.M. de Laat, " Trusted Data Management for Grid-Based Medical
Applications.", In E. Udoh (Ed.), Cloud, Grid, and High Performance
Computing (pp. 208-220). USA: IGI Global (2011). |
Pascale Vicat-Blanc, Sergi Figuerola, Xiaomin Chen,
Giada Landi, Eduard Escalona, Chris Develder, Anna Tzanakaki, Yuri
Demchenko, Joan A. Garca Espin, Jordi Ferrer, Ester Lopez, Sebastien
Soudan, Jens Buysse, Admela Jukan, Nicola Ciulli, Marc Brogle, Luuk van
Laarhoven, Bartosz Belter, Fabienne Anhalt, Reza Nejabati, Dimitra
Simeonidou, Canh Ngo, Cees de Laat, Matteo Biancani, Michael Roth,
Pasquale Donadio, Javier Jimenez, Monika Antoniak-Lewandowska, and
Ashwin Gumaste, "Bringing Optical Networks to the Cloud: an Architecture
for a Sustainable future Internet", Springer Lecture Notes in Computer
Science "The Future Internet", Vol 6656, 25 April 2011, page 307 - 320,
Isbn: 978-3-642-20897-3 |
Gordon Cook, "Building a National Knowledge
Infrastructure; How Dutch Pragmatism nurtures a 21st Century Economy",
ISBN 978-90-814102-2-9, February 2010. |
2006-b-1 |
Cees de Laat, Freek Dijkstra and Joe Mambretti,
Chapter 14, "Grid Network Services Infrastructure", in: Franco
Travostino, Joe Mambretti, Gigi Karmoes-Edwards, Grid Networks, ISBN-10:
0-470-01748-1, 2006. |
1990-b-2 |
J.Konijn, C.T.A.M.de Laat, A.Taal, P.David,
H.Hanscheid, F.Risse, Ch.Rosel, W.Schrieder, W.Lourens, C.Petitjean and
A.van der Schaaf, "A study of the strong interaction effects of deeply
bound pionic levels in pionic atoms.", in "Electromagnetic Cascade and
Chemistry of Exotic Atoms", Plenum Publ. Cy. 1990, p167. |
1990-b-1 |
J.Konijn, C.T.A.M.de Laat, A.Taal and J.H.Koch, "An
improved parametrization of the optical potential for pionic atoms." in
"Electromagnetic Cascade and Chemistry of Exotic Atoms"; Plenum Publ.
Cy. 1990 p179. |
C.T.A.M.de Laat, "Strong and electromagnetic
interactions in heavy exotic atoms", Ph.D.Thesis, University of
Technology Delft, March 1988, http://resolver.tudelft.nl/uuid:7944c02b-6e87-464a-b51b-76595b38bf27
Other Publications & Contributions
Z Shi, C de Laat, P Grosso, Z Zhao, "When Blockchain
Meets Auction Models: A Survey, Some Applications, and Challenges",
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.1253422021 |
"Meer wel", digitale zaak, 150 ideeën voor de publieke zaak in de 21e eeuw, De Publieke Zaak, 1 dec 2021.
"SuperScience: Vertrouwd gevoelige data kunnen delen
en verwerken", interview door Sjoerd Hartholt, Redacteur AG-Connect van
Cees de Laat, AG-Connect - 11 Nov 2021
"Future Computer Systems and Networking Research in
the Netherlands: A Manifesto", Informatica Platform Nederland’s Special
Interest Group on Future Computer Systems and Networking, the
"Dutch Secure Autonomous Cloud: Nederlands initiatief
voor veilige cloud", interview door Eveline Meijer, Redacteur AG-Connect
van Marten van Dijk, Herbert Bos en Cees de Laat, AG-Connect - 21 Feb 2021
"Smart High-Performance Networks; Towards New
Generation Intelligent Networking Infrastructure for Distributed Science
Environments.", report on Smart High-Performance Networks Workshop
Rockville, Maryland, December 8-9, 2016, Sponsored by U.S. Department of
Energy, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research. |
Merijn Verstraaten, Ana Lucia Varbanescu, Cees de
Laat, "Using Graph Properties to Speed-up GPU-based Graph Traversal: A
Model-driven Approach", arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.01159, 2017/8/3 |
"An International Comparison of the development of research data infrastructures", for the German Council for Scientific Information Infrastructures (RfII), 2017.
Michel Rademaker, Jaap van den Herik, Cees de Laat,
Bart Custers, Cor Veenman, "Enabling Big Data Applications for Security;
Responsible by Design", HSD Cafe, 16 maart 2017.
Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat, "Het netwerk als zwaarddanser", Interview door Leendert van der Ent in IPN I/O Magazine juni 2015.
J. Nijkamp, T. de Mik, B. Voorbraak, C. de Laat, H.
Dijkman, B. Menist, P. Debets, W. Landheer, B. Visser, P. Krak, G.
Poletiek, M. Schilders, "Datacentervisie voor UvA en HvA", UvA ICT
report, sept 2014. (a - Dutch and b - English version) |
Jeroen van der Ham, Mattijs Ghijssen, Paola Grosso,
Cees de Laat, "Trends in Computer Network Modeling Towards the Future
Internet", arXiv preprint arXiv:1402.3951, 2014 |
"Advanced 100G Networking Capabilities at TERENA
Networking Conference TNC 2012", CIENA Press release, may 20 - 25,
Reykjavik (IS) |
Jeroen van der Ham, Hendrik Rood, Cosmin Dumitru,
Ralph Koning, Niels Sijm and Cees de Laat, "Review en Herhaling BREIN
Steekproeven 7 - 9 april 2012", Internal SNE report. |
"Blokkade The Pirate Bay leidt niet tot minder downloads", UvA press release, 2012-04-13. |
Tomoaki Ishiyama, Junichiro Makino, Simon Portegies
Zwart, Derek Groen, Keigo Nitadori, Steven Rieder, Cees de Laat, Stephen
McMillan, Kei Hiraki, Stefan Harfst, "The Cosmogrid Simulation:
Statistical Properties of Small Dark Matter Halos", arXiv:1101.2020
[astro-ph.CO], jan 2011. |
"UvA-wetenschapper wijst op risico's Google Profiles", UvA press release, 2011-06-09. |
"SURFnet and NORDUnet collaborate to create an
international, multi- domain 40Gb/s Alien Wave network over more than
4300km", Press Releas 2011-05-23. |
Cosmin Dumitru, Ralph Koning, Cees de Laat,
"ClearStream: Prototyping 40 Gbps Transparent End-to-End Connectivity",
SNE technical report, march 2011. |
OFC/NFOEC 2011: Advances in wireless, data centers, cloud computing, network capacity (press release). Invited talk, presented by C. de Laat: "eSCIENCE ON SURFnet". See also 2011-c-1.
Focus on research: Computer scientist dr. Paola Grosso (English)(Dutch).
Donderdag 27 januari 2011, 16:00 uur: Kwaliteit in een virtuele wereld. (press release)
Ciena Puts High Performance Networking into Action
at SC10. UvA was one of the principle partners in this effort. Press
release 2010-11-15. |
Ciena, Mellanox, SURFnet and University of Amsterdam
Successfully Complete Leading-Edge, Single Stream Demonstration in 40
Gbps, Long-Haul Optics. Pushed up to 35 Gbps through transparant Lambda
end to end. Press release 2010-10-13. (presentation)
Gordon Cook, "How the Dutch Did It Right; When so many
others get it wrong", Cook report February-March 2010, url: http://cookreport.com/.
Bob Hertzberger et all., "VL-e: Virtual Laboratory for e-Science", 2004-2009 Final report |
C. Catlett, C. de Laat, D. Martin, G. Newby, D.
Skow, "Open Grid Forum Document Process and Requirements", Obsoletes
GFD.1, GFD 152, GFSG, Open Grid Forum, 2009-06-24. |
Gordon Cook, "ICT and E-Science as an Innovation
Platform in The Netherlands; A National Research and Innovation Network.
What Can the US Learn from Dutch Experience?", Cook report February
2009, url: http://cookreport.com/.
Interview Computable, 6 April 2007: "Onderzoek maakt groei Internet mogelijk". |
R. Yahyapour, D. Martin, C. de Laat, "Nomination
Committee (NOMCOM) Process Charter", The Open Grid Forum document
series; GFD-CP.116, sept 2007, url: http://www.ogf.org/gf/docs/?final
Interviews Cees de Laat en Karst Koymans in Network
World, maart 2004: "Platform: GridForum Nederland" en "Een
netwerkbeheerder op academisch niveau". |
Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat, Bas van Oudenaarde, Arie
Taal, "Authorization of a QoS Path based on Generic AAA", Technical
report series, Advanced Internet Research Group, Department of Computer
Science, University of Amsterdam. |
Antony Antony, Johan Blom, Cees de Laat, Jason Lee,
Wim Sjouw, "Microscopic Examination of TCP Flows Over Transatlantic
Links", Technical report series, Advanced Internet Research Group,
Department of Computer Science, University of Amsterdam. |
Catalin Meirosu, Piotr Golonka, Andreas Hirstius,
Stefan Stancu, Bob Dobinson, Erik Radius, Antony Antony, Freek Dijkstra,
Johan Blom, Cees de Laat, "Native 10 Gigabit Ethernet Experiments
between Amsterdam and Geneva", Document is registered as ATLAS TDAQ note
in the CERN EDMS (Electronic Document Management System). The document
can be traced at: http://edms.cern.ch/document/431460/ |
A. Antony, J. Blom, F. Dijkstra, C. de Laat, "A new
look at Ethernet: Experiences from 10 Gigabit Ethernet End-to-End
network between Amsterdam and Geneva", Advanced Internet Research group
internal report, nov 11, 2003. |
"First Trans European Use of 10 Gbps Ethernet WAN PHY
Supporting 5.4Gbps Sustained Single Stream and 9.2Gbps Multi-Stream
PC-to-PC Traffic", Press release @ StarTap.
H. Bal, C. de Laat, S. Haridi, K. Jeffery, J.
Labarta, D. Laforenza, P. Maccallum, J. Massa, L. Matyska, T. Priol, A.
Reinefeld, A. Reuter, M. Riguidel, D. Snelling, M. van Steen, "Next
Generation Grid(s), European Grid Research 2005-2010", Expert Group
Report for the EU, Brussels, Belgium, june 16, 2003. |
Elise Roders, interview with Cees de Laat: "NetherLight ziet levenslicht", SURFnet news, march 2003. |
Hans Blom, Cees de Laat, "User Level Network Performance Monitoring Program (RTPL).", september 2000. |
C. de Laat, G. Gross, L. Gommans, J. Vollbrecht, D.
Spence, "Generic AAA Architecture", IETF RFC 2903, Experimental, August
2000. |
J. Vollbrecht, P. Calhoun, S. Farrell, L. Gommans,
G. Gross, B. de Bruijn, C. de Laat, M. Holdrege, D. Spence, "AAA
Authorization Framework", IETF RFC 2904, Informational, August 2000. |
J. Vollbrecht, P. Calhoun, S. Farrell, L. Gommans,
G. Gross, B. de Bruijn, C. de Laat, M. Holdrege, D. Spence, "AAA
Authorization Application Examples", IETF RFC 2905, Informational,
August 2000. |
S. Farrell, J. Vollbrecht, P. Calhoun, L. Gommans,
G. Gross, B. de Bruijn, C. de Laat, M. Holdrege, D. Spence, "AAA
Authorization Requirements", IETF RFC 2906, Informational, August 2000. |
1994-o-1 |
C.T.A.M. de Laat and P. Kuijer, "On the use of Real
Time software in physics experiments", Proc. of the Decus Belux 1994
Symposium, Keerbergen, Belgium, 23-24 March 1994. |
1993-o-1 |
C.T.A.M. de Laat and P. Kuijer, "Data acquisition
system for small to medium size experiments", Conf. Proc. of the DECUS
Holland Symp., Mierlo, The Netherlands, 27-29 April 1993. |
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