
Graduated PHD's, Bureacratic Forms


Procedures, documentation

# Name Title Promotores Co-Promotores Date
30 dr. Jamila Alsayed Kassem Programmable Infrastructures for Secure Healthcare prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat, prof.dr. Paola Grosso prof.dr.ir. Anwar Osseryan 2025-01-30
29 dr. Aya Fukami Effective Mobile Forensics Through Exploiting the Memory Security prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat, prof.dr. Z. Gerards dr. F. Regazzoni 2024-11-06
28 dr. Sara Shakeri
SecConNet - Smart and Secure Container Networks for Trusted Big Data Sharing prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat, prof.dr. Paola Grosso prof.dr. Leon Gommans
27 dr. Misha Mesarcik Machine learning-based anomaly detection for radio telescopes prof.dr. Rob van Nieuwpoort, prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat dr.ir. A.J. Boonstrao, dr. E.B. Ranguelova 2024-04-24
26 dr. Xin Zhou From Empowering to Motivating; Enhancing Policy Enforcement through Process Design and Incentive Implementation prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat, prof.dr. Tom van Engers dr. Adam Belloum, prof.dr. Sander Klous 2024-02-16
25 dr. Ruyue Xin Towards Effective Performance Diagnosis for Distributed Applications prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat, prof.dr. Paola Grosso dr. Zhiming Zhao 2023-11-01
24 dr. Zeshun Shi Enhancing Service-Level Agreements Using Decentralized Auctions and Witnesses prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat, prof.dr. Paola Grosso dr. Zhiming Zhao 2022-11-03
23 dr. Lu Zhang A policy compliance detection architecture for data exchange infrastructures prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat, prof.dr. Paola Grosso prof.dr. Leon Gommans 2022-10-19
22 dr. Merijn Verstraaten Analysis and Prediction of GPU Graph Algorithm Performance prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat dr.ir. Ana Varbanescu 2022-09-08
21 dr. Dolly Sapra Efficient Neural Architectures for Edge Devices prof.dr. Andy Pimentel, prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat
20 dr. Uraz Odyurt A Data-centric Approach towards Identification and Prediction of Anomalies in Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems prof.dr. Andy Pimentel, prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat
19 dr. Giulio Stramondo Memory System Design for Application-Specific Hardware prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat dr.ir. Ana Varbanescu 2021-04-08
18 dr. Ameneh Deljoo Computational Trust Models for Collaborative Network Orchestration prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat, prof.dr. Tom van Engers prof.dr. Leon Gommans 2021-01-20
17 dr. Ralph Koning Automating Network Security prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat, prof.dr. Lydia Meijer dr. Paola Grosso 2020-02-05
16 dr. yang Hu Resource Scheduling for Quality-Critical Applications on Cloud Infrastructure prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat dr. Zhiming Zhao 2019-10-23
15 dr. Huan Zhou Seamless Infrastructure Programming and Control for Quality-critical Cloud Applications prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat dr. Zhiming Zhao 2019-10-23
14 dr. Jun Xiao Improving Application Timing Predictability and Caching Performance on Multi-core Systems prof.dr. Andy Pimentel, prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat
13 dr. Fahimeh Alizadeh Self-Adaptation for Energy Efficiency in Software Systems prof.dr. Patricia Lago, prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat dr. Paola Grosso 2019-04-17
12 dr. Marc Makkes Virtual Internets prof.dr. Lydia Meijer, prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat
11 dr. Ngo Tong Canh Access Control for On-demand Provisioned Cloud Infrastructure Services prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat dr. Yuri Demchenko 2016-02-24
10 dr. Reggie Cushing Data-centric Computing on Distributed Resources prof.dr. Marian Bubak, prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat dr. Adam Belloum 2015-11-04
9 dr. Hao Zhu Energy-aware Information Modeling and Management for e-Infrastructures prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat dr. Paola Grosso 2015-10-27
8 dr. Wei Quan Scenario-based Run-time Adaptive Multi-Processor System-on-Chip prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat dr. Andy Pimentel 2015-09-17
7 dr. Leon Gommans Multi-Domain Authorization for e-Infrastructures prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat, prof.dr. Lydia Meijer
6 dr. Rudolf Strijkers Internet Factories prof.dr. Lydia Meijer, prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat
5 dr. Roberta Piscitelli Pruning Techniques for Multi-Objective System-Level Design Space Exploration prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat dr. Andy Pimentel 2014-09-18
4 dr. Steven Rieder The Clustered Universe prof.dr. Simon Portegies Zwart, prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat
3 dr. Matthijs Koot Measuring and Predicting Anonymity prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat, prof.dr. Michel Mandjes dr. Guido van t Noordende 2012-06-27
2 dr. Jeroen van der Ham A Semantic model for Complex Computer networks; The Network Description Language prof.dr. Peter Sloot prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat 2010-04-23
1 dr. Freek Dijkstra Framework for Path Finding in Multi-Layer Transport Networks prof.dr. Peter Sloot dr.ir. Cees de Laat 2009-06-18
0 dr.ir. C.T.A.M. (Cees) de Laat Strong and electromagnetic interactions in heavy exotic atoms prof.dr. Ger van Middelkoop, prof.dr. Aaldert Wapstra