Slide 7 of 14
Slide Notes and Questions:
- Need to use kerberos proxy tickets in this situation. This allows multiple IP addr, such as the Application’s IP addr and the
Broker’s IP addr, to be specified as valid presenters in the ticket.
2. What set of information does the User Org authorization message (AM) contain?
3. What set of information does the Broker authorization message (AM’) contain?
4. What exactly is implied by “secure channel”?
- Are there any security issues?
6. The reason why a secure channel is needed between the User Org and the Broker is because the AM message is
not protected. The secure channel could be removed if AM is sent as a certificate signed with some shared secret
between the User Org and the Broker. The reason why a secure channel is needed between the Application and the
Broker is because the AM’ message is not protected. The secure channel could be removed if AM’ is sent as a
certificate signed with some shared secret between the Application and the Broker.
Tcs => User Org AAA server, User, IP addr of User, ts, lifetime, Kcs
Ks => User Org AAA server’s shared key with the KDC
Ac => name of User, IP addr of User, ts (New Ac must be generated per service request)
Kcs => Session key for User and User Org AAA server